Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yang Di-Pertuan Agong boleh bertindak

Oleh: Professor Abdul Aziz Bari (

Cara Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi menjawab soalan-soalan pemberita mengenai Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim sejak kebelakangan ini menunjukan bahawa beliau memandang serius cabaran Ketua Pembangkang itu. Sebelum ini Abdullah biasanya berkata bahawa Anwar hanya bergimik apabila mendakwa bahawa beliau mempunyai cukup bilangan ahli parlimen yang akan melompat ke Pakatan Rakyat, lantas membolehkan kerajaan baru dibentuk. Tetapi mutakhir ini Abdullah telah bertukar nada. Anwar telah dituduh sebagai pengancam keselematan dan ekonomi negara. Tuduhan ini membayangkan bahawa Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) mungkin akan digunapakai. Jelas sekali kerajaan kini merasa tergugat. Selain cabaran daripada Anwar, parti pemerintah juga digugat oleh perebutan kuasa dalaman. Jika kita lihat reaksi beberapa menteri terhadap penggunaan ISA baru-baru ini, tidak mustahil jika kita katakan bahawa Abdullah tidak lagi dapat mengawal sepenuhnya kabinet beliau.

Negara kita boleh dianggap sebagai menghampiri situasi krisis. Dalam waktu sebegini, kita memerlukan sesuatu yang mungkin kelihatan sedikit ‘di luar perlembagaan’ (extra-constitutional) untuk menangani keadaan. Cara-cara biasa mungkin tidak berkesan, terutama kerana kerajaan seolah-olah telah panik dan kelihatan tidak lagi berkebolehan untuk menasihatkan Yang Di-Pertuan Agong dan mengendalikan tugas-tugas biasa dalam pentadbiran.
Negara kita berbeza dengan Thailand dan Indonesia kerana kita tidak mempunyai Mahkamah Perlembagaan untuk dirujuk. Biasanya kita merujuk kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan tetapi sepanjang 51 tahun lepas Mahkamah Persekutuan tidak pernah membicarakan perlanggaran perlembagaan. Dan, berbeza dengan Mahkamah Agong Amerika Syarikat yang telah beberapa kali membicarakan kontroversi-kontroversi berkaitan perlembagaan, Mahkamah Persekutuan kita tidak langsung dirujuk semasa krisis perlembagaan pada tahun 1983, 1988 dan 1993. Mungkin ini merupakan tempias daripada kurangnya keyakinan rakyat terhadap kredibiliti dan kebolehan hakim-hakim kita.

Maka kita tinggal dengan satu sahaja pilihan iaitu Yang Di-Pertuan Agong. Yang Di-Pertuan Agong sebenarnya mempunyai beberapa peranan dan kuasa khusus yang boleh digunapakai dalam situasi sekarang. Baginda boleh mendapatkan bantuan daripada Majlis Raja-Raja yang diberi kuasa oleh perlembagaan untuk membincangkan apa sahaja perkara yang dirasakan perlu.

Masalah yang sedang kita alami sekarang berkisar di sekeliling isu perlantikan kerajaan, yang dalam bahasa perlembagaan sebenarnya ialah isu perlantikan perdana menteri. Perlembagaan memberikan tanggungjawab ini kepada Yang Di-Pertuan Agong berdasarkan budi bicara Baginda. Dalam situasi yang terang, contohnya jika terdapat majoriti di parlimen dan ketua yang jelas, maka Yang Di-Pertuan Agong tidak mempunyai pilihan selain daripada melantik ketua tersebut sebagai perdana menteri dan seterusnya menerima nasihat perdana menteri dalam urusan pembentukan kabinet. Ini boleh berlaku selepas pilihanraya umum, kematian perdana menteri semasa masih memegang jawatan, ataupun setelah berlaku perletakan jawatan perdana menteri.

Perletakan jawatan boleh berlaku dengan beberapa bentuk. Contohnya perletakan jawatan biasa seperti yang dilakukan oleh Dr Mahathir Mohamad pada tahun 2003. Dalam konteks negeri dan peranan sultan negeri tersebut pula, kita boleh melihat contoh yang berlaku setelah Dewan Undangan Negeri tidak lagi menyokong Menteri Besar mereka seperti yang dialami oleh Menteri Besar Selangor Harun Idris pada tahun 1976 dan Menteri Besar Kelantan Mohamed Nasir pada tahun 1977. Tetapi perlembagaan negara kita tidak mempunyai klausa yang jelas dalam isu perletakan jawatan. Satu-satunya peruntukan yang menyentuh isu perletakan jawatan ialah Artikel 43(4) yang menyebut bahawa mana-mana perdana menteri yang kehilangan sokongan dewan rakyat perlu meletak jawatan. Tetapi perlembagaan kita tidak menyebut mengenai proses menarik balik sokongan terhadap perdana menteri. Ini telah dimanipulasi oleh UMNO dan Barisan Nasional. Speaker Dewan Rakyat seolah-olah berusaha keras untuk menafikan usaha Pakatan Rakyat membawa usul tidak percaya di parlimen.

Apa peranan Yang Di-Pertuan Agong dalam situasi sekarang? Berdasarkan undang-undang, Yang Di-Pertuan Agong perlu bertindak mengikut nasihat kerajaan. Hakikatnya, walaupun tidak disebut secara jelas dalam perlembagaan, Baginda perlu memastikan wujud sebuah kerajaan pada setiap masa. Seterusnya, jika terdapat persoalan mengenai kredibiliti dan legitimasi sesebuah kerajaan, Yang Di-Pertuan Agong tidak boleh bersikap tunggu dan lihat sahaja. Baginda wajar bertindak proaktif dan mengawal keadaan. Tidak ada institusi lain yang boleh memainkan peranan ini. Kita tidak boleh bergantung dengan kerajaan sedia ada tatkala kesahihan kerajaan tersebut sendiri sedang dipertikaikan.

Mungkin jika kita mengikut protokol dengan ketat maka Anwar tidak boleh ke Istana Negara sekarang. Dengan itu, Yang Di-Pertuan Agong sewajarnya menjemput Ketua Pembangkang tersebut untuk mengadap dan mempersembahkan senarai ahli parlimen yang beliau dakwa akan menyokong beliau dalam kerajaan baru. Yang Di-Pertuan Agong mempunyai hak untuk mendengar secara terus daripada ahli-ahli parlimen tersebut, sama seperti mana Sultan Selangor dan Raja Perlis telah memanggil mengadap ahli-ahli dewan undangan negeri mereka selepas pilihanraya Mac lalu. Sekiranya Yang Di-Pertuan Agong mendapati dakwaan Anwar adalah benar dan Anwar memang mempunyai sokongan yang mencukupi daripada ahli-ahli parlimen, maka Baginda boleh menitahkan agar Abdullah meletak jawatan. Bukan sahaja Abdullah boleh dititahkan untuk meletak jawatan, bahkan dalam situasi sedemikian, berdasarkan undang-undang, perletakan jawatan menjadi tanggungjawab Abdullah dan kabinetnya.

Jika diteliti perlembagaan asal yang dihasilkan oleh Lord Reid, sebenarnya memang terdapat peruntukan yang membolehkan Yang Di-Pertuan Agong memecat perdana menteri dalam situasi sedemikian. Tetapi peruntukan ini tidak dimasukkan dalam draf akhir yang diluluskan menjadi perlembagaan negara kita. Bagaimanapun, saya berpendapat bahawa Yang Di-Pertuan Agong masih mempunyai kuasa untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini.
Artikel 43(4) juga menyentuh mengenai pembubaran parlimen. Tetapi Artikel ini perlu dibaca dengan Artikel 40(2)(b) yang memberi kuasa kepada Yang Di-Pertuan Agong bertindak berdasarkan budi bicara dalam menentukan sama ada perlu atau tidak parlimen dibubarkan setelah diminta oleh perdana menteri. Berdasarkan pengalaman negara-negara Komanwel, Suruhanjaya Reid mengatakan bahawa terdapat beberapa sebab kenapa pembubaran parlimen perlu diserahkan kepada budi bicara Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, antaranya ialah untuk mengelakkan negara kita dipaksa mengulangi pilihanraya berkali-kali oleh kerajaan yang tidak stabil. Jika kita teliti semula situasi sekarang, maka bagi saya tidak ada keperluan bagi Yang Di-Pertuan Agong membubarkan parlimen walaupun diminta. Kita baru sahaja menjalankan pilihanraya umum pada Mac 2008 dan kita boleh membentuk kerajaan tanpa perlu satu lagi pilihanraya.

**Professor Abdul Aziz Bari ialah Professor Undang-Undang di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Anwar's popularity adds to rulling party's fear and loathing

By James Chin, The Canberra Times

Former deputy prime minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim won a crucial by-election for the parliamentary seat of Pemantang Pauh on Tuesday. That Anwar was going to win was never in doubt. He was first elected to the seat in the early 1980s and his wife became MP when he was jailed in 1988.

Last month, she resigned from the seat so Anwar could get back into Parliament.What was unexpected was the huge margin of victory. Anwar’s wife won the seat in the March general elections with slightly more than 13,000-vote majority. Many had expected Anwar to win by about 10,000 votes rather than the nearly 16,000 votes he took on Tuesday.

The ruling Barisan Nasional (National Front) coalition poured everything it had into the campaign. Led by the Deputy Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak, the BN promised nearly 60million ringgit (about $A20million) worth of development.

Almost every minister visited the constituency offering more goodies if Anwar was defeated. The BN has spent millions in trying to discredit Anwar, using the mainstream media and giant video screens spread all over the constituency, to remind voters that Anwar is under criminal indictment for sodomy.

Sodomy is a serious offence under Islam and more than 60 per cent of Pemantang Pauh’s voters are Malay Muslims. The BN showed a tape of Anwar’s accuser swearing on the Koran that he was sodomised by Anwar. Malay voters were told also that Anwar was a race traitor.
Anwar champions the removal of the New Economic Policy, or NEP. Under the guise of affirmative action, this policy discriminates against the non-Malay population in all areas of political and economic life.

Special scholarships, bank loans, contracts and even a university were established exclusively for
the Malays. While it was initially popular among the Malay population and deeply resented by non-Malays, in recent years, the younger, better educated, Malays have become critics of the NEP.

It is a known fact that the NEP has enriched only those with link to the United Malays National Organisation, the ruling party, and that poorer Malays have benefited much less. Some Malays who supported opposition parties were even denied access to the NEP.

Younger Malays are starting to realise that the NEP, far from helping them, is actually a tool for UMNO to manipulate and buy its political support from the Malay community. The culture of corruption created by the NEP has reached the plateau that a large segment of the Malay community has decided that the only way to get rid of the corruption is to get rid of the NEP and UMNO. They also want an end to racial politics in Malaysia pioneered by the BN, and UMNO in particular.

UMNO’s ideology of ”Ketuanan Melayu” or Malay Supremacy has meant open and blatant racial discrimination against the non-Malay population.

One senior Chinese minister described UMNO’s relationship with its non-Malay parties in the BN parties as akin to a ”master-slave” relationship. Race relations are now much worse after 50 years of independence.

Anwar has promised to replace the NEP with the Malaysian Economic Policy, or MEP, which does not have racial criteria. The overwhelmingly majority of the younger population sees this as the only real long-term solution to racial polarisation.

Anwar has promised that he will engineer the defection of about 30 MPs from the BN by the middle of September, and he will take over as prime minister then. There is every reason to believe that Anwar is capable of doing this, although the BN will still try to do its best to stop him. The BN will do its best to make sure that Anwar is convicted of sodomy.

It does not matter that more than 80 per cent of the population thinks that the sodomy allegations are politically motivated. The only political game Malaysia now, at least among UMNO, is to stop Anwar. The security apparatus will also be used against Anwar’s allies. Several leaders in Anwar’s parties have been arrested for corruption, and bloggers who are sympathetic to Anwar are being sued for defamation and publishing false reports on the internet.

The Government is also expected to pass laws that restrict political chatter on the internet, and crack down harder on civil society groups. The BN is still a powerful political machine and when it is threatened, it moves back to its authoritarian mode.

There is every reason to believe that there will be mass arrests under the Internal Security Act to stop Anwar from becoming prime minister.

There are too many vested interests that will stop at nothing to make sure that their corruption and past misdeeds are not exposed by Anwar’s new administration.
They have every reason to fear the consequences of an Anwar ascendancy. When Anwar’s party took power in several states after the March general elections, they exposed shady land deals and government contracts worth millions. A Morgan Stanley report published a few years ago says that corruption has cost Malaysia the equivalent of more than $110billion in the past 30 years. The NEP was promulgated about 30 years ago and it was only after the NEP came into being that ”money politics” became synonymous with UMNO.

If Anwar eventually becomes Malaysia’s prime minister, it will be one of Asia’s most remarkable political comeback tales. The closest one to it is that of Kim Dae Jung. Sometimes called the Nelson Mandela of Asia, Kim was nearly killed by South Korea’s intelligence service in the 1970s, imprisoned, put under house arrest, sentenced to death for sedition and banned from politics. Kim managed to overcome all these obstacles before becoming South Korea’s president from 1998 to 2003.

*James Chin teaches at Monash University’s campus in Malaysia.

Friday, September 12, 2008

12 September: Perisytiharan Permatang Pauh

Meyingkap kembali deklarasi permatang pauh yang di buat oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada 12 Sept 1998. Selepas menanam benih, kini selepas 10 tahun putik perubahan makin hampir di gengaman.

Perisytiharan Permatang Pauh

Menyedari gesaan al-Quran yang bermaksud “tidaklah kami mahu melainkan untuk melakukan islah sekuat daya kami”;
Dan berilhamkan tradisi budaya-budaya Asia yang keseluruhannya menganjurkan pembaharuan diri dan masyarakat;

Dan menginsafi bahawa Malaysia kini dicengkam kemelut yang dahsyat dan memerlukan kekuatan dalaman untuk bangun semula;

Maka kami rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang bangsa dan agama bertekat untuk melancarkan gerakan reformasi yang menyeluruh:

Gerakan reformasi yang terpancar perjuangan hati nurani,dari kesedaran bahawa sesungguhnya diri manusia itu mulia danmerdeka, mempunyai hak dan tanggungjawab, diri manusiaharam dizalimi dan diaibkan, haram di belenggu dan disekattanpa mengikut proses dan undang-undang yang adil;

Gerakan reformasi untuk menegakkan keadilan untuk semua,yang kuat dan yang lemah, yang kaya dan yang miskin;membersihkan institusi dan proses undang-undang daridicemari oleh penyalahgunaan kuasa dan rasuah;

Gerakan reformasi untuk mendaulatkan kuasa rakyat melaluiproses demokrasi. Democrasi itu satu kemestian, keranasemangat keadilan yang ada dalam diri manusiamembolehkan demokrasi dilaksana, tetapi kecenderunganmanusia untuk berlaku zalim menjadikan demokrasi satukewajipan;

Gerakan reformasi untuk memperjuangkan keadilan ekonomi,menjana pertumbuhan dan pengagihan yang saksama, janganyang kaya bertambah kaya yang miskin papa kedana. Duniaini mencukupi untuk keperluan semua, tetapi tidak mencukupiuntuk memenuhi kerakusan individu;

Gerakan reformasi untuk membanteras rasuah danpenyalahgunaan kuasa, mengikis manipulasi pasaran olehsegelintir golongan rakus dan mahakaya;

Gerakan reformasi untuk memperkukuhkan jayadiri budayayang dinamis, setia kepada warisan bangsa yang murni danterbuka kepada segala yang baik dari semua budaya;

Gerakan reformasi untuk membawa bangsa Malaysia kezaman maklumat dan dunia tanpa sempadan, menjanakebijaksanaan, keyakinan dan keterbukaan untuk menjalinpersahabatan sejagat berdasarkan prinsip kebenaran dankeadilan.

Kami akan menggerakkan reformasi ini dengan aman, mengikut semangat perlembagaan dan bernafaskan prinsip pemerintahan undang-undang.
Masanya telah tiba. Bersatulah untuk reformasi.

Permatang Pauh 12 September 1998

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Speaking for Reformasi generation

From The Malaysian Insider

SEPT 2 — A decade ago today, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was dismissed by the then Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. From the halls of power, as Anwar puts it in one of his earliest prison letters, he descended into “the labyrinths of incarceration”.
From the ruins of Anwar’s previous political life, however, a Reformasi generation arose. Throughout the long decade, despite being jailed the first six years and spending a considerable amount of time overseas in the immediate two years after release, Anwar aroused passionate support and devotion from many, some out of sympathy while others felt that he embodied the national quest for change and maturity.

But, the beauty of this long march is that Reformasi was not just about Anwar; it was very much about us.

Like they said about JFK’s assassination, we all remember what we were doing when we first heard of Anwar’s dismissal.

Anwar’s political stock went south after the June 1998 Umno general assembly when his proxy Datuk Zahid Hamidi failed in his attack against Dr Mahathir. By late July, as Anwar tried in vain to rescue his friend Datuk S. Nallakaruppan from police detention, some analysts concluded that it was just a matter of time before Anwar departed the political scene.
Before Malaysians could begin their National Day weekend, on Friday, Aug 28, 1998, Anwar’s allies — Bank Negara Governor Ahmad Don and his deputy Fong Weng Phak — resigned.
The National Day celebration was the calm before the storm.

Anwar was expected to do a Musa Hitam. Naively, we thought resignation was the only exit for Anwar as sacking was never in our political lexicon.

On Sept 1, 1998, Dr Mahathir pegged the ringgit. On the morning of Sept 2, the rate of RM3.80 to one US dollar was announced.

The government often portrays currency control as the silver bullet in countering the economic crisis of 1997/1998. But as Professor Jomo K.S. pointed out, it came about 14 months after the first attack on the ringgit. The likely truth is that the measure was bulldozed through to prevent a slide in the ringgit caused by Dr Mahathir’s sacking of his popular deputy prime minister and finance minister Anwar Ibrahim.

At 5.30pm on Sept 2, the Prime Minister’s Department notified the press in a short statement that Anwar had been dismissed from all government positions.
From his Treasury office in Kuala Lumpur, Anwar went back to his official residence, where the electricity and water supply had been cut. He emerged more than 20 hours later to call a press conference on Sept 3 at his then private home in Damansara Heights.

Anwar was probably under some form of house arrest during the initial hours as the police didn’t know what to do with him. It won’t surprise me if the police were contemplating the option of arresting him there and then.

Perhaps the only reason why Anwar was not arrested immediately was the impending Commonwealth Games which was to be held from Sept 11-21.
Anwar was sacked from Umno at the party’s emergency supreme council meeting which ended at around midnight on Sept 4,1998.

The nation was stunned. Not only by the abrupt moves of Dr Mahathir but by the vicious attempts to taint Anwar’s reputation through a series of affidavits played up by the mainstream media.

With friends from New Era College, where I was a student of Chinese literature, I attended the impromptu ceramah at Anwar’s house on Sept 6. Like many of my peers, it was my first taste of a ceramah. Ironically, I can still recall that the first speaker we heard that day was Dr Chandra Muzaffar, who was then Anwar’s most articulate defender.

It was barely a week or so after we had attended several vigils for Lim Guan Eng, who had been sent to prison on Aug 25, 1998, outside the Sultan Abdul Samad Building. Those nights were sobering and sad.

At Anwar’s house, the crowd frequently shouted “Reformasi” and “Allahu Akhbar”; and Anwar promised to fight back, whatever it takes. To a young student, undeniably, there was an air of excitement in the midst of uncertainty when the No. 2 man in the country chooses to fight the system.

As the Commonwealth Games opened, Anwar left his private home for the first time on Sept 11 for Friday prayers and subsequently toured the nation until he was arrested on Sept 20. I saw him a few days later at a DAP centre in Kajang in solidarity with Guan Eng, where Anwar linked his fate with that of Guan Eng’s.

The grand finale was scheduled to be held at Dataran Merdeka at 4pm on Sunday, Sept 20. But Queen Elizabeth II was visiting a church nearby. Tens of thousands of people thronged the National Mosque. Naturally, it was my first time in a mosque. With the so-called “confessions” of Dr Munawar Anees and Sukma Darmawan, it was apparent that Anwar would be arrested soon.
The group marched to Dataran Merdeka and Anwar left at about 6pm. My friends and I proceeded with a splinter group of probably 10,000 people to walk to the Prime Minister’s residence.

We were a generation growing up without knowing any other Prime Minister except Dr Mahathir. But on the march to Sri Perdana, we shouted “Undur, undur Mahathir” (Step down, Mahathir). It was a liberating experience.

We reached there a little before 10pm. It was our first taste of tear gas and water cannons. Those in the front row were heavily beaten by the FRU.

I went home with the images of young Malay women shouting “zalim” (cruel) as we ran together towards the direction of the Lake Gardens. Instantly, I was quite certain that, like me, these young Malay women, who were at the receiving end of tear gas and water cannons while seeing their boyfriends being beaten by the FRU, would never support Umno or the Barisan Nasional in their lifetime unless there was a major change for the better.

It was said that nationalist and independent movements in colonial states began with the “cramped pilgrimage” of students and indigenous functionaries to the capital or metropolis.
The sense of camaraderie in adversity often leaves a lasting psychological impact. Anwar was arrested that night. As they say, the rest is history. The roads of Kuala Lumpur in September 1998 were tragic but nonetheless an uplifting experience for those of us who walked on them.
Though I was interested in politics at a very young age, I would not have been an active participant that early in my life had it not been for September 1998. I went on to campaign for the DAP in the 1999 general election and worked for DAP MP Teresa Kok subsequently, before going overseas to study politics and graduating with a B.A. thesis on Pas.

Quite a few friends I met through activism since 1998 are now political leaders in their own right in Pas, the DAP and Keadilan. The “cramped pilgrimage” for justice in the face of physical oppression and other abuses by the state is the deepest common bond among the leaders of Pakatan Rakyat.

Ten years of Reformasi changed the life paths of many. Perhaps it is now time to change the path of our beloved nation in the spirit of Reformasi.

Liew Chin Tong, DAP MP for Bukit Bendera, was 21 years old when he witnessed Anwar’s last few days of freedom in September 1998.

'Expect more than 40 to defect'

“Come September 16, we will show who has in fact been dreaming or bragging.”

So confident is Sarawak PKR chief Dominique Ng that he told a press conference this afternoon in Kuching that Pakatan Rakyat coalition could now count on more that 40 MPs to cross over from Barisan Nasional.His statement came amid reports that a top PKR leader met with leaders of a BN component party in Kota Kinabalu this morning to pledge support for the opposition’s move. Ng said in addition to individual MPs, he expected enough BN parties to join Pakatan for the opposition to have sufficient numbers to oust the government by the Sept 16 deadline.

Meanwhile, Ng announced that the state PKR would be holding a series of dinners, including one in Kuching on Sept 15 and another in Miri on Sept 16, in conjunction with Malaysia Day celebrations. PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim has on the weekend mooted the proposal to declare Sept 16 as a public holiday in all five Pakatan-held states in Peninsular Malaysia.Ng, who is the party's sole assemblyperson in Sarawak, added that it would be declared a public holiday in the East Malaysian state “when Pakatan forms the state government”. According to Ng, Sept 16 was a public holiday for workers in Sarawak until 1994 when the Sarawak Labour Ordinance was amended by the state government. Ng added the Federal Constitution was also very clear on the significance of those two days - Sept 16 is Malaysia Day, while Aug 31 is Merdeka Day.The leaders of Sarawak PKR will gather at Padang Merdeka in Kuching on the morning of Sept 16 to commemorate Malaysia Day.
This will be the fourth year the party is observing Malaysia Day with the hoisting of the national and state flags at the site.Padang Merdeka, which is in the heart of the city, is where the Proclamation of Malaysia was read out on Sept 16, 1963 by a representative of the federal cabinet, the late Khir Johari, in the presence of the then state governor Tun Haji Openg and the then chief minister Stephen Kalong Ningkan.Who are likely to jump? There have been intense speculations in Sarawak and Sabah as to which BN component parties are likely to join Pakatan.In Sabah, the Sabah Progressive Party (Sapp), led by former chief minister Yong Teck Lee, has been frequently mentioned, and this has not been denied by its leaders. Another party on the list is said to be Upko, which is led by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Bernard Dompok, also a former chief minister of Sabah. The two parties have six MPs between them.

In Sarawak, one of the parties mentioned as a possibility is Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS), led by state development minister Dr James Masing. It has six MPs. A PKR source said the crossovers in Sarawak are likely to come from all the state's four BN component parties - PRS, SPDP, SUPP and PBB. But their leaders have all publicly denied this. The source added that the crossovers from Peninsular Malaysia are about equal in number.


p/s possible crossover from umno leaders, i'm sensing these three will lead the crossover;

YB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (MP-Pagoh)

Datuk Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah (MP-Tambun)
YB Datuk Seri Tengku Azlan (MP-Jerantut)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's no.9 Berbatov

MANCHESTER UNITED finally landed Dimitar Berbatov after a transfer deadline day of high drama.

Furious Spurs NEVER gave United permission to talk to the striker.
But they eventually agreed a £31million deal just before midnight and were persuaded not to make an official complaint.

Spurs had earlier accepted a £34m bid from Manchester City.
But City's new Arab owners never got to speak to him because United chief Alex Ferguson personally whisked him away from the airport.

Had Spurs chairman Daniel Levy gone ahead with the complaint, United could have faced a points deduction, massive fine and transfer ban.

Yet United helped keep the Londoners sweet by letting them have striker Fraizer Campbell, 20, on a year’s loan.

Berbatov, 27, has signed a £100,000-a- week, four-year deal at Old Trafford.
The Bulgarian said: “Joining United is a dream come true.

“I look forward to playing my part in helping this club win more honours.”
Fergie was delighted to finally capture the striker. He admitted: “This is a key signing.

“Dimitar is one of the best and most exciting strikers in world football.
“His style and ability will give the team a different dimension and I’m sure he will be a popular player with the fans.”

source:the sun (uk)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Anwar is MP, sworn in

malaysiakini reports,

PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim is today officially parliamentary opposition leader.
The newly-elected Permatang Pauh MP was sworn in this morning at the Dewan Rakyat.

Anwar arrived at Parliament at 8.55am wearing a songkok and and very dark blue baju Melayu, and took his oath at 10.05am immediately after prayer recitals at the House.Soon after, he took the seat reserved for the parliamentary opposition leader, vacated by his wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, three weeks ago.

The opposition leader's seat is directly opposite the prime minister's seat in the 222-member Parliament.Anwar has been declared leader of the opposition a decade after he was sacked as deputy premier and jailed on sodomy and corruption charges.

He came to Parliament together with Wan Azizah, who held his Permatang Pauh seat during his political exile, and his daughter Nurul Izzah, who is also parliamentarian for Lembah Pantai.
"I hope the member for Permatang Pauh will contribute to the proceedings of this House. I am satisfied he has been unanimously appointed leader of the opposition," said speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia.

the star online reports

KUALA LUMPUR: PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was sworn in as Permatang Pauh MP at 10.05am Thursday in a brief ceremony in Dewan Rakyat here.

Anwar, who turned up for the event in a simple black baju melayu, was accompanied by his wife Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and their daughter Nurul Izzah.

The moment he entered the Dewan, he was instantly surrounded by other Pakatan Rakyat members, including Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang and PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

However, only three ministers were present in the House for the swearing-in.
The swearing-in took place in front of Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia.
After the swearing-in, Anwar took his place on the first seat on the Opposition block.

Sepanggar MP Datuk Eric Enchin Majimbun, who is from Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) took the opportunity to congratulate Anwar on his win as he stood up to field the first query in the question and answer session.

Minister in Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz also congratulated Anwar on behalf of the Government when he stood up to reply the first question.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sumpah Sumpit Garam Belacan

Org Islam munulis di

Orang Islam Aug 16th, 2008 at 10:07 am

Marilah kita sama-sama menghayati dan mengambil pengajaran dari kisah isteri Rasulullah SAW iaitu Saiyidatina Aisyah R.A yang telah difitnah dan keterangan di bawah ini saya rujuk kepada Kitab Tafsir Quranul Karim (oleh Prof. Dr. Hj. Mahmud Yunus)(halaman 511-513) berdasarkan kepada ayat 11-16 dan 19 Surah An-Nur.

Sekembali dari peperangan Banu Musthalaq, Aisyah turut dalam rombongan tentera. Di pertengahan jalan, pada suatu perhentian Aisyah pergi keluar, kerana suatu hajat, kemudian dia kembali ke sekdupnya.

Tiba-tiba dilihatnya kalungnya hilang tercicir. Lalu dia kembali mencari kalungnya itu. Sewaktu dia sedang mencari kalung itu, qafilah tentera berangkat tanpa menyedari bahawa Aisyah ketinggalan di belakang. Kemudian Shafwan yang berangkat di belakang tentera, melihat Aisyah tinggal sendirian. Maka tanpa berkata apa-apa kecuali, Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un, dia mempersilakan Aisyah naik kenderaannya. Lalu beliau pimpin unta itu, sehingga sampai bertemu dengan qafilah tentera.

Melihat hal sedemikian, kaum munafiq terutama ketuanya, Abdullah bin Ubaiya menyiarkan pembohongan dan fitnah terhadap Aisyah dan Shafwan itu.
Maka, dalam ayat 11 dan seterusnya Allah memberi peringatan dan pengajaran berikut:

1. Orang-orang yang menyiarkan kebohongan dan fitnah terhadap Aisyah itu, sebahagian dari kamu juga. Hal itu janganlah kamu kira kejahatan bagimu, bahkan kebaikan. Kerana dalam hal itu terselit pengajaran iaitu: Kita tidak boleh menuduh orang berbuat jahat dengan semata-mata melihat seorang pemudi berjalan berdua dengan seorang pemuda, lalu dituduh berbuat jahat.

2. Orang yang menuduh Muslimin/Muslimat berbuat jahat, harus menunjukkan 4 orang saksi. Kalau tidak, maka dia adalah bohong di sisi Allah.

3. Orang Mukmin dan Mukminat yang mendengar tuduhan itu, hendaklah bersangka baik terhadap saudaranya dan mengatakan: Itu adalah bohong semata-mata.

4. Berita yang kamu terima dengan lidahmu dan kamu katakan dengan mulutmu, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui kebenarannya, lalu kamu kira demikian itu tidak berdosa. Padahal di sisi Allah ia dosa besar.

5. Kalau kamu mendengar berita itu, hendaknya kamu katakan: Hal ini tidak patut kita perkatakan, Subhaanallah. Ini adalah kebohongan besar.

6. Sebenarnya orang yang menuduh itu dan orang-orang yang menyiarkannya telah berdosa; besar kecilnya menurut usahanya. Orang yang banyak usahanya mendapat siksaan yang besar.

Seterusnya menerusi Ayat 19 surah An-Nur dapatlah disimpulkan seperti berikut:
Orang-orang yang suka menyiarkan tuduhan yang jahat (berzina) pada orang-orang Islam, maka mereka mendapat siksa di atas dunia, iaitu didera 80 kali; dan di akhirat, iaitu masuk neraka jahannam.

Sebab itu jangan sekali-kali kita mempermudah-mudah mengeluar tuduhan kepada seseorang yang bernama baik, kerana memberi malu itu amat terlarang dalam agama. Orang yang berani menuduh itu, wajib mengadakan 4 orang saksi laki-laki, keempat-empatnya sebenarnya melihat orang itu berbuat jahat dengan mata kepalanya sendiri, bukan dengan semata-mata curiga atau khabar-khabar angin saja.

Dengan keterangan ini nyatalah kepada kita bagaimana kebagusan agama Islam, tentang menjaga kehormatan sesama manusia dan tidak boleh memberi malu antara seorang dengan yang lain.

Persoalannya, sudahkah kaum Muslimin dan Muslimat kita menurut aturan ini?

Friday, August 15, 2008



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Lagu Baru Dewa 19 - Perempuan Paling Cantik Di Negeriku Indonesia

Dewa 19 - Perempuan Paling Cantik Di Negeriku Indonesia

Merah darahku bulat tekadku
Setelah aku tatap wajahmu
Berkobar seluruh jiwa dan ragaku
Untuk perjuangkan cinta yang ku yakini

Putih tulangku semangat cintaku
Setelah aku raba tanganmu
Rasakan kulitmu yang selembut salju
Serentak bergelora darah mudaku

Reff:Kamu adalah perempuan paling cantik
Di negeriku indonesia kamulah yang nomor satu
Aku tak akan bisa sukai lagi perempuan yang lainnya

Revolusi cinta matiku
Telah bergema ke seluruh negeri
Ini adalah tonggak sejarah hidupku
Karena ku yakin kamu adalah takdirku

Dengan tegasnya ku nyatakan
Kamulah akhir perjuanganku
Kuburkan cinta cinta yang sudah sudah
Kemerdekaan aku kamu yang ku tunggu

Back to Reff:

link download :

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Chameleon

By Khalid Jaafar

AUG 2 - “If you ask me what kind of image I want”, he once told me at my office in Jalan Telawi, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, “I want an image of a liberal.”

He does not want to be a true liberal as the notions of spontaneous order, the virtue of the market and limited government are too strange for him. He just wanted a public perception that he wasn’t an Islamic fundamentalist or a Malay ultra.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was still languishing in prison when I had this conversation with Ezam Mohd Nor and our party was dogged with an identity problem. I had yet to know then that he was already a mole, a Reformasi Lai Teck.

But today, as he turns away with vengeance against his former mentor, hurling vituperative against Anwar’s cosmopolitanism and inclusive social and political philosophy, Ezam has re-embraced Umno’s most decadent form of racial ideology. His return to his old party will only help plunge Umno into a deeper ideological crisis, alienating its power-sharing partners, and his strident Malay rhetoric will drive away idealistic youths in search for an integrated Malaysia in disgust.

He must be suffering from a lapse of memory that we are now living in the 21st century. There are the unstoppable and irreversible forces of globalisation affecting everybody and Umno̢۪s exclusivist philosophy of Ketuanan Melayu is grossly out of key with time.

There is market still for Ezam’s venom but a rapidly shrinking market. If Umno is really for the Malays there is still a political base to be consolidated. But the implementation of the NEP has been so corrupt in the last two decades only the naive would swallow government propaganda without being squeamish.

Many of us who know the internal problem he created within the party heaved a sigh of relief when he submitted his Umno form and it was a joke among us that his application was accepted but as a second-class member.

Still, I am often asked: “Why? What really happened?” Many find it difficult to comprehend why those who have found themselves estranged with the party for various reasons returned to the fold after Anwar was released but Ezam was at odds with everyone and finally left us.

The popular explanation was that it was the bitter personal rivalry between the two former secretaries for their boss’s attention. As a person who has worked as Anwar’s press secretary for 10 years I found the explanation rather silly.“The party has no discipline,” he blurted out on the only occasion we had a heated argument. He wanted the party to take stern measures against his rivals who deliberately skipped party meetings. But in the years when I was a member of the supreme council he was known for his sparse attendance, and while present he was in the habit of being the last to come and the first to leave.

In the media he made innuendos on a particular person who was rich and comfortable while other Reformasi activists were slogging to make ends meet. But very few know that he received salaries from at least three companies, pocketing a salary equivalent to a CEO of a listed company. He was always being chauffeur-driven in fancy cars, and moved around with unproductive auxiliaries, reminiscent of the habits of Umno politicians.

His attacks have always been personal, spewing venom at Azmin Ali, and me on much lesser scale. Now he has upped the ante by mounting personal attacks against Anwar himself. A corporate person whose company provided Ezam with a fancy car told me recently: “All the time he tried to poison my mind on Anwar’s character. He claimed to know Anwar inside out.”

He created the impression that as political secretary he has opened Anwar’s closet and found piles of stinking skeletons in there. The next prime minister has met his nemesis. I was more amused than alarmed at his threat.

Of the three of us- Azmin, Ezam and I - Ezam knows Anwar the least simply because he joined the office of the deputy prime minister — regrettably on my strongest recommendation - barely two years of the DPM’s tragic sacking. I served as Anwar’s press secretary for 10 years, and Azmin preceded me by a few months.

During the two years Ezam could not have seen much of Anwar Ibrahim. He only met him during weekly staff meetings of which he was mainly silent perhaps for being too young and too much in awe of the future prime minister or when he accompanied him in public political functions.

Azmin, being the private secretary, saw the boss the most in private. He was the gate keeper, arranging meetings and communicating messages to the corporate and political movers and shakers of Malaysia.

I had the singular honour of dealing with the most uncelebrated visitors, people whom other secretaries prefer to make themselves scarce when they knocked at the door of the DPM’s office. They were intellectuals, genuine and occasionally pseudo, great scholars as well as deep thinkers. It was a real pleasure to open the door for Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Ali Mazrui, and it was a real treat to sit in and to listen to Anwar’s conversations with Nobel laureate V.S. Naipaul and futurist Alvin Toffler.

Ezam, I suppose, must be the Special Branch’s biggest success story in turning over. If he wasn’t turned over how he could have written a letter to Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi while serving his prison term in Kajang. He was the most celebrated of the ISA detainees but upon his release he refused to be present with them at a press conference. He also avoided being on the same platform at any rally.

When Anwar was released and regained his health, leaders fought tooth and nail to have him speak at their constituency. But Ezam evaded offers by Anwar to speak in Shah Alam, his division, and asked Shamsul Iskandar to sit in for him as Anwar toured of the country.
Why Ezam failed the test while the rest continue to walk tall as Reformasi heroes? I think he suffered from a disease I call Alcibiades syndrome. Alcibiades was the most controversial

Athenian politician during the Peloponnesian War and one of the disciples of Socrates. He was immortalised in Plato’s dialogue called “The Symposium”. Instead of trying to understand Socrates’ philosophy he was enthralled with the personality of the philosopher.

His speech in the symposium was all encomia to his teacher. In his politics he betrayed Athens by joining the city’s mortal enemy, Sparta, then rejoined Athens to fight against Sparta and later betrayed Athens to join the Persians.

I saw Ezam giving a similar speech in Jakarta, when we were in a short exile, at the launching of the Indonesian version of Anwar’s Asian Renaissance. He didn’t say a sentence on the book, or about Tagore, or Iqbal, or Rizal and Okakura. He was saying “Anwar this, Anwar that” and I at the time was praying that lightning and thunder would strike so that he could end his dumb speech.

I saw him in Ipoh where I heard him say: “I joined Umno because of Anwar Ibrahim, and left Umno because of Anwar Ibrahim.” Of which he received a standing ovation among the youth delegates.

I saw his character in the Romance of Three Kingdoms, in the personality of Lu Bu whose politics is marked with a series of betrayals. But both Lu Bu and Alcibiades ended in ignominious deaths.
Khalid Jaafar is a Parti Keadilan Rakyat supreme council member and a close confidante of Anwar.

source:courtesy of Malaysian Insider

Sept 16 takeover on track, says Anwar

PETALING JAYA: The Pakatan Rakyat’s reform agenda is firmly back on track, and the “New Dawn for Malaysia” is well within reach despite the sodomy charge hanging over him, says PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar, who was released on a RM20,000 personal bond without surety on Thursday, said his Sept 16 plan to take over the Government had not been derailed by the impending trial.“Based on reasonable facts and assumptions, I will say that we are clearly on track, and the Sept 16 date is the reason they are hell-bent on attacking me,” he told a press conference at the PKR headquarters here yesterday.

Anwar had pleaded not guilty to a charge of sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Anwar, who remains confident of winning the Permatang Pauh by-election on Aug 26, said he had enough Barisan Nasional MPs who would be crossing over.“I can confirm that Barisan MPs have given their word that the moment I enter Parliament on Aug 27, they will cross over.
“It may be on Aug 27, or before or after that,” he said. “The range is comfortable, with the possibility of forming the Government. That is why there is a sense of desperation by some.”

Anwar said he would be heading to Permatang Pauh this weekend.“Barisan, especially Umno, is taking it very seriously,” he added. Calling civil society to monitor the election, Anwar alleged that a vicious campaign and character assassination had started on the ground against him. Dr Wan Azizah said she was confident her constituents would back her and Anwar.

Decrying Umno's Malay-oriented campaign, Anwar said he would champion the cause of all Malaysians. Reiterating his innocence, Anwar said his being charged for a consensual act only showed that the alleged politically motivated conspiracy against him was falling apart. Anwar said the medical report and statutory declaration by Dr Osman Abdul Hamid, the Hospital Pusrawi doctor who examined his accuser, raised doubts whether the alleged act took place.
“Give me a break. I have gone through hell already. Let me go on with my life and the election. I am convinced that I will ultimately be vindicated.”

source:The Star

US summons M'sian envoy in Washington

A top envoy from the Malaysian embassy in Washington was summoned to the US State Department over the sodomy charges filed against opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Ilango Karuppannan, the charge d'affaires of the Malaysian embassy, met with State Department officials on Wednesday, before charges were filed against Anwar in Kuala Lumpur.

The department confirmed that a meeting took place with the envoy over Anwar's case and other issues but did not provide details."We have regular exchanges with Malaysian diplomats in Washington on a number of subjects, including with the Malaysian charge (d'affaires) yesterday," the department official said."Anwar Ibrahim's case was one of the topics of conversation."The US actions may further infuriate the Malaysian government. Kuala Lumpur accused Washington of meddling in its internal affairs when US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last month raised concerns over the investigation into the claims against Anwar.

Anwar was accused of sodomising 23-year-old aide Mohamad Saiful Bukhari Azlan on June 26.Sodomy, even between consenting adults, is illegal and carries a penalty of up to 20 years imprisonment.Charges ‘politically motivated’Anwar was released on bail yesterday after pleading not guilty to sodomy charges ahead of a by-election expected to return him to Parliament this month."We take note of the many serious questions raised within Malaysia, including by the Malaysian Bar Council, concerning this case," a State Department official told AFP.

The former deputy premier, jailed a decade ago on similar charges that were later overturned, has said the new allegations have been concocted by the government to prevent him from seizing power.Human rights watchdogs also felt the charges were politically motivated, with the Bar Council, a lawyers group, raising a series of questions over the police investigation into the charges."We again urge Malaysian authorities to resolve the matter in a manner that builds confidence in the impartial rule of law and the proper functioning of democratic institutions in Malaysia," said the State Department official, speaking on condition of anonymity.In an immediate reaction, Malaysian Foreign Minister Rais Yatim told Washington to mind its own business. "We've had enough of this criticism," Rais said today, adding that Washington should raise any issues "in a manner that is judicious, careful and respectful."

"As the minister of foreign affairs, I would like to send this message loud and clear - stop meddling in our internal affairs.- AFP


To defend Anwar is to defend Malaysian democracy

By Sandra Day O'Connor and Abdurrahman Wahid
Financial Times

We know Anwar Ibrahim well and have the highest regard for him. For that reason, we are very concerned about recent developments in Malaysia that seem aimed at defaming him and threatening him with imprisonment in a manner reminiscent of the campaign to defame him in 1998.The power to prosecute is one of the most awesome powers of the state. Without proper checks and balances it can easily be abused by those in power to humiliate and discredit innocent people. Even when the injustice is corrected, its victims are often left with their reputations permanently damaged.

In Malaysia, the power to prosecute is being used to try to discredit Mr Anwar, the remarkable leader of the opposition, victim of a similar attack 10 years ago. If this effort were to succeed it would be a tragedy for Mr Anwar personally, for the people of Malaysia and for the world.In 1974 Mr Anwar was jailed for 20 months, under Malaysia's notorious internal security act, for leading demonstrations against rural poverty. Invited later to join the government, he rose to become Malaysia's finance minister in 1991. His performance was recognised internationally. As deputy prime minister he was admired for his commitment to accountability and good governance.

Many Malaysians wanted him to replace Mahathir Mohamad, the aging prime minister.Poised to lead the nation towards greater transparency and the rule of law, his agenda for reform was clearly perceived as a threat by some. In 1998, as he was on the brink of succeeding Mr Mahathir, he was unjustly accused of sodomy and corruption, beaten in jail and convicted in a trial that was marked by coerced testimony, fabricated evidence and serious lapses in judicial integrity. He spent six years in solitary confinement before being released, in part through the wisdom of Mahathir's successor as prime minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.Since then Mr Anwar has made a remarkable political comeback, thanks in no small measure to his wife, Wan Azizah, who led his party while he was banned from political activity and took it to success in Malaysia's elections in March. With the ban on Mr Anwar lifted from April 14, it looked as if he had a chance to mount a serious challenge to the government and possibly emerge as the next prime minister.

Last Thursday, Wan Azizah resigned her seat and Mr Anwar announced that he would run to fill it.However, his enemies are fighting back, filing new sodomy charges. We find it impossible to believe these charges. We know Anwar as a man of integrity. We appreciate the way he has spoken on behalf of freedom, democracy and human rights. The charges are inconsistent with everything we know about his character.At the same time, there are plausible motives for some to manufacture a false case against him. Mr Anwar last year brought evidence to a royal commission that enabled it to conclude that there had been improper influence exerted on judicial appointments. More recently he announced that he had evidence against the current attorney-general and the current inspector-general of police for the perversion of justice in his own prosecution in 1998-99. A few days ago it was disclosed that the doctor who first examined the alleged victim found no physical evidence to support the most recent accusation.

The Malaysian authorities need to recognise that there is no way that continued pursuit of these charges can be viewed as credible, given the history of prosecutorial abuse and manipulation of evidence in the earlier proceeding against Anwar. His political future should be decided at the polls, not through some suspect prosecutorial proceeding.We are deeply concerned that the safety, freedom and reputation of an important leader in the Muslim world are at risk. So, too, is the integrity of Malaysia's judicial system and along with it the credibility of the government in general.

The future of Malaysia as an example of success for the developing world and for the entire Muslim world may be at stake. We hope Mr Abdullah, who showed wisdom earlier in facilitating Anwar's release from prison, will manage to drop the charges against Mr Anwar and in so doing serve the interests of justice for the people of Malaysia and for all the people of the world.Justice

Sandra Day O'Connor is a former justice of the US Supreme Court and Abdurrahman Wahid is former president of Indonesia

Berbatov on his way to United

ALEX FERGUSON aims to land Dimitar Berbatov in a £25million deal by the end of next week.
The Manchester United boss has had a £22m bid rejected with Tottenham wanting £30m.

United will go to £25m and believe that will be enough to secure the unsettled striker.

Ferguson said: “We are looking at some options at the moment — three or four different options about the strike department which we hope will come to a happy conclusion. “Hopefully we will have someone in for the start of the season.”

Tottenham have been playing hardball with United, even reporting them to the Premier League for their pursuit of the striker.

Spurs chairman Daniel Levy accused Ferguson of arrogance and hypocrisy after he was quoted as saying Berbatov was their target and he expected to get him.
Fergie is desperate to beef up his attack with Cristiano Ronaldo out until October and Louis Saha injured yet again.

source:thesun uk

Friday, August 1, 2008

DSAI Ceramah di Selekoh, Bagan Datoh

Untuk rakyat Simpang Emapat, Hutan Melintang, Sungai Sumun, Batu 20, Selekoh dan Bagan Datoh, ayuh kita sama-sama mendengar dan penjelasan daripada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengenai perkembangan terbaru politik, ekonomi dan konspirasi.

Berikut adalah butiran ceramah;

Tarikh: 1hb. Ogos 2008 (Jumaat)Program Lawatan ke Negeri Perak

Masa Aturacara

10.30pm ~ 11.30 pm DSAI berucap di Ceramah Perdana Menuju Putrajaya di Padang Awam Kg Selekoh(Tempat Ceramah) Bagan Datoh


1)Madzi Hasan
2)Haji Ismail Yusop
3)Dr Lee Boon Chye
4)Mustaffa Kamil Ayub
5)Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Untuk Dihubungi:En. Madzi HasanTel: 019-2327473 En.ShamTel: 014-3223012


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Anwar Mungkin ditahan 'dalam 48 jam'

PKR hari ini meramalkan penasihatnya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim akan ditahan dalam "tempoh 48 jam" berhubung kes dakwaan meliwat bagi menghalangnya bertanding dalam pilihanraya kecil di Permatang Pauh.Ketua penerangannya Tian Chua berkata PKR tidak menolak kemungkinan Anwar ditahan dalam tempoh terdekat.
"Kelihatannya mereka merancang mendakwanya (di mahkamah) pada Isnin depan," katanya agensi berita AFP."Mereka mungkin menangkapnya dalam tempoh 48 jam akan datang. Ia bertujuan menyekatnya bertanding dalam satu pilihanraya kecil."

Wan Azizah quits, Anwar to contest and Police to Wrapped Up Investigation

PETALING JAYA: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has resigned as Permatang Pauh Member of Parliament to make way for her husband Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to contest in a by-election.

At a packed press conference at the party headquarters on Thursday, Dr Wan Azizah said the decision was made after deliberations with her family, the PKR leadership and its partners in the Pakatan Rakyat loose coalition of Opposition parties.

"I have officially submitted my resignation as MP to the Parliament Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, to make way for my husband, Anwar Ibrahim, to contest as a candidate for Pakatan Rakyat in a by-election as soon as possible," she said.

Dr Wan Azizah, who showed no emotion during the press conference, said it was the right decision for Malaysia and that she would continue serving as PKR president and chairman of the Peace Foundation.

Together with her were PKR vice-presidents Azmin Ali and R. Sivarasa, her daughter and Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar, and Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai.
Dr Wan Azizah also thanked her supporters in Permatang Pauh who had stood by her in the most difficult of times.

"Anwar Ibrahim has the experience and intelligence to reinvigorate our economy, and the charisma and integrity to unite Malaysians.

"And I'm not saying this just because he is my husband," she added.

As to who would be taking over as the Opposition leader in Parliament, Dr Wan Azizah said that would be discussed with other Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

Anwar, under a police investigation for allegedly sodomising a former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 23, had previously said he would contest in the Kulim-Bandar Baharu parliamentary constituency, where an election petition is pending.

The case is scheduled for hearing on Aug 19.
On Thursday, Anwar said he had decided to contest in Pematang Pauh instead because the Kulim petition might take too long to settle.

He had previously said that he would have the numbers to form the government by Sept 16, and said the sodomy allegation was a part of a conspiracy to stop him from doing so.

He has denied the sodomy allegations and has filed a defamation suit against Mohd Saiful.

The Election Commission is required under the law to call for a by-election within 60 days.
Its chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman said the Commission would start preparing for the by-election upon receiving notice from the Speaker.

Also on Thursday, Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar announced that the police had wrapped up their investigations into the sodomy case, and have sent their report to the Attorney-General's Chambers for further action.


Ringkasan Fatwa Sheikh Taha Jabir Al-Alwani

Segala puji bagi Allah dan selawat serta salam buat Rasul Junjungan, keluarga baginda, sahabat nya dan kepada seluruh yang mengikuti sunnahnya.

Mengikut ulama mazhab Shafi’i dan ulama tafsir sekaliannya hukum bagi qazaf zina juga terpakai bagi qazaf liwat sebagaimana yang termaktub dalam Surah al Nur.

Imam Malik dan Imam Ahmad juga berpendapat yang sama.
Pemfitnah dalam kes liwat juga dihukum sama dengan penfitnah dalam kes zina menurut Imam Malik dan Imam Shafii.

Para Ulama Shafii lainnya yang berpendapat sama:

1. Ibn Qudamah dalam “al Mughni” jilid: 10, mukasurat 209 Imam al Shafii berpendapat yang sama. Begitu juga al Hasan al Basri, al Nakha’i, al Zuhri, Malik, Abu Yusuf, dan Muhammad Ibn al Hasan.

2. Syarah al Zarqani dalam “Fath al Qadeer”, jilid 2, mukasurat 290, bersetuju dengan pendapat di atas.

3. Imam al Shawkani dalam “Syarah Fathul Qadeer” memperincikan ini (mukasurat 150 – 190).

4. Imam al Shirazi dalam “al Muhahthab” Jilid: 2, mukasurat 273 dan terperinci dalam Syarah al Shirazi, Jilid: 3, mukasurat .

5. Di kalangan ulama kontemporari yang bersetuju ialah al Shaheed Abdul Qadir Audah dalam karyanya “al Tashree al Jinae fi al Islam”

6. Juga boleh dirujuk The Encyclopedia of Fiqh (Kuwait) Jilid: 33, mukasurat 9
Ini juga merupakan pendapat Hasan al Basri, al Nakhai, al Zuahri, Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad, Muhammad ibn Hasan al Shaybani dan Abu Yusuf. Semuanya bersetuju dengan Imam al Shafi’i

7. Imam al Khateeb Al Sharbeeni dalam buku beliau “al Iqna’ dalam Fiqh al Shafii”, Jilid: 1, mukasurat 93.

8. Al Mawardi dalam “al Ahkam al Sultaniyyah” mukasurat 463.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Latest:Rodwan met Saiful three days earlier

Malaysia Today

At 2.30pm on Wednesday, 25 June 2008, Senior Assistant Commissioner (SAC) II Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof met Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan in room 619 of the Concorde Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Prior to this secret meeting, Rodwan and Saiful spoke on the phone at least eight (8) times.Three days later, at 2.00pm on 28 June 2008, Saiful went to see Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid of the Hospital Pusrawi to ‘complain’ that he had been sodomised by ‘a very important person’ and that he wished to lodge a police report. The doctor, however, found no traces or evidence that he had been sodomised and suggested, for purposes of the police report, that Saiful go to a government hospital.

Who is Rodwan, other than the fact that he works for the IGP and is known as the police chief’s bagman and go-between with the organised crime syndicate that controls all the drugs, prostitution, loan-sharking and gambling rackets? Well, read the following archived reports to get a better understanding of this scumbag and slime-ball named Rodwan. Maybe then you can understand why he met Saiful in a hotel room three days before the sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim exploded.


Berita HarianRabu, 30 Disember 1998

Seorang pakar forensik Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) memberitahu Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini bahawa contoh darah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak boleh digunakan untuk ujian DNA kerana ia diambil dan disediakan bagi ujian HIV, Hepatitis B dan VD (penyakit kelamin).Dr Zahari Noor berkata, oleh kerana itu beliau menolak permintaan polis sebanyak dua kali supaya contoh darah itu digunakan untuk ujian DNA. Menurutnya, ketika di Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman pada 28 September lalu bagi mengambil darah Anwar, beliau ditanya oleh Asisten Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof sama ada ujian DNA boleh dilakukan terhadap Anwar. Katanya, beliau menasihatkan polis supaya tidak mengambil darah Anwar untuk ujian DNA kerana Anwar hanya memberi persetujuan supaya darahnya digunakan bagi ujian HIV, Hepatitis B dan VD."

Pada 15 Oktober lalu, Mohd Rodwan dan SAC I (Senior Asisten Komisioner) Musa Hassan datang ke HKL dan bertanya sama ada mereka boleh mengambil contoh darah Anwar untuk analisis DNA," katanya.Dr Zahari: Kami memberikan empat sebab kepada polis mengapa ujian DNA tidak boleh dilakukan terhadap darah Anwar:

* contoh itu tidak disediakan untuk analisis DNA,
* ia tidak sesuai untuk ujian DNA,
* pendapat kami ialah keputusan ujian DNA itu tidak boleh dipercayai.
* ia boleh membawa keputusan yang mengelirukan kerana kami menyimpan contoh darah itu di dalam bekas biasa tanpa pengawet atau EDTA.

Katanya, mereka kemudian mencadangkan kepada polis bahawa mereka bersedia pada bila-bila masa untuk mengambil contoh darah Anwar di penjara Sungai Buloh untuk ujian DNA jika tertuduh membenarkannya.


"In 1998-1999 trials, Anwar experienced the phenomenon of fabrication of DNA evidence. We had SAC Rodwan illegally removing DNA samples from forensic custody. In cross-examination of the prosecution's witnesses it was exposed that DNA taken from blood samples was planted on the infamous mattress," said Sivarasa."When confronted with this fact the prosecution amended its charge and persuaded the judge, Augustine Paul, to expunge the entire DNA evidence from the record, preventing Anwar's lawyers from responding."


Police have never dilly-dallied in investigating the alleged sodomy against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim since the case was reported to police on June 28, said Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar. He said the police, instead, had been relentlessly seeking relevant and the latest information, besides giving the case priority, as it was a high-profile case."We want to solve this case as soon as possible. The investigating officer is constantly looking for new leads. We are doing our best and we need the cooperation of all quarters concerned," he told Bernama when contacted here Tuesday.Ismail was asked to comment on Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar's statement on Monday, asking for police to speed up the investigations into the sodomy allegation against the Parti Keadilan Rakyat advisor.

He said since the police investigations began, some quarters had been making speculations and statements that could interfere with the investigations."I wish to warn everyone, including bloggers, not to disturb police investigations by disseminating material or information that is inaccurate or false."Action will be taken against those who deliberately try to interfere with the investigations. Let the police do a meticulous job," he added.


Sources told The Malaysian Insider that investigators are "crossing the t's and dotting the i's" and will be relying on Anwar's DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) samples from 1998 when he faced similar charges which cost him the chance to be prime minister."Nobody wants a repeat of 1998 when the prosecution had to amend the charges. Anwar has alleged that he had an alibi for the 24 hours on the day the offence took place. So the authorities have to check everything out," said an official who is familiar with the investigations."We understand that there is an attempt to quash credibility of the case even before the matter goes to court. The police cannot say too much because then they will be accused of trial by media and ministers cannot say much because they will be accused to interference."This case is built on strong scientific evidence," the official added.


This was posted on Susan Loone’s blog:


I would like to write the following statement in the name of GOD whom I believe.I am a government doctor in the rank of consultant working in Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). I know personally the doctors who examined Saiful on that day - 28 June 2008.The so-called medical report mentioned in the NST is a fabrication or imagination by the UMNO paper. There is no such medical report submitted to the polis yet.

When examining Saiful, the specialist could not find any signs of Saiful being sodomised. Saiful was very cheerful, unlike real sodomised patients who will usually be very sad and disturbed.Saiful was subsequently admitted to the ward and observed for a day. He was completely well in the ward and not emotionally disturbed.Please let RPK know of this.


Anwar beri keterangan di JAWI

Ketua umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kini berada di Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Jawi) untuk memberikan kenyataan berhubung aduannya mengenai tuduhan liwat terhadapnya oleh bekas pembantunya Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.Mantan timbalan perdana menteri itu ditemani oleh isterinya Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail dan peguam Kamar Ainiah Kamaruzaman.Anwar membuat aduan terhadap Saiful pada 9 Julai lalu.

Sementara itu, para wartawan telah berkumpul di rumah Anwar di Bukit Segambut sejak jam 5.30 pagi tadi susulan khabar angin yang mengatakan beliau mungkin akan ditahan dan didakwa atas tuduhan liwat.Bagaimanapun tiada apa yang berlaku dan Anwar tiba di pejabat JAWI pada jam 10.30 pagi.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Prees Statement by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim 29.7.2008

The hospital report leaked yesterday confirms our contention that the allegations leveled against me are baseless and politically motivated and that the complainant is an outright liar working hand in glove with those in power to assassinate my character and attempt to derail the people’s aspirations for transformational change in government.

This report makes a mockery of the so-called “impartial police investigations” and clearly shows the dubious but persistent attempts to incriminate me by whatever means employable.
How else can we fathom why the police during the last four weeks of their “thorough and professional investigations” have overlooked such a critical piece of evidence? I condemn in the strongest terms their negligence, dishonesty and recklessness in humiliating the nation by dragging us all through this vile and filthy charade.

Our refusal to submit a DNA sample has been vindicated. The failure of the police to disclose this medical report all but confirms their intention to frame me. Although quite apparent even before yesterday, their desperate attempt to collect a new DNA sample is now even more clearly a last ditch effort to build a case where none exists.
The statement by Bar President Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan in response to this latest development bears repeating.

“The credibility of the Malaysian justice system as a whole is therefore atstake. The integrity of professionals, be they doctors or lawyers, must never be interfered with. The public must be left in no doubt that the criminaljustice system in this country will not be misused or abused.”
Several weeks ago I filed a police report implicating Musa Hassan and Gani Patail in the conspiracy to fabricate evidence in my 1998 case. The ACA subsequently opened an inquiry into the matter. Given their current involvement as heads of the police and Attorney General’s chambers, and their earlier attempts to discredit and defame me, I have consistently asserted that a fair investigation into this matter would be impossible, notwithstanding the dubious character of the complainant and his association with the Deputy Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister’s wife and, her staff, as well as key figures in the police department.

I reiterate earlier calls to ensure the safety and security of the doctor who authored this medical report. Reports that he and his family may be in danger must not be taken lightly given earlier instances when key witnesses in high-profile cases in Malaysia have been threatened, coerced or gone missing.

My family and I have endured a great deal during the last month. Our fears of arepeat of the trauma and abuse inflicted upon us in 1998 were bearable only with the tremendous outpouring of support from our friends in Malaysia and throughout the world. We breathed a deep sigh of relief upon hearing of the report and after seeing it with our own eyes felt a great burden lifted from our shoulders. We remain eternally grateful to them for their belief in us and their commitment to the cause of freedom and justice in Malaysia.
I have willingly cooperated in the police investigations; careless and vindictive though it has turned out to be. But I have decided that nation is in a grave situation economically and socially and I can no longer be distracted by such nuisances. I am now determined to move ahead with the reform agenda, which the Malaysian people endorse in the last elections, and i do not intend to address this scurrilous accusations anymore.

At a time when the world economy is spiraling into recession and Malaysia has struggled to remain competitive with its neighbors, this scandal was raised at the worst possible moment. The problems of inflation, unemployment, and investor confidence grow more serious by the day The authorities, aided by senior Ministers in the government, appear to be willfully dragging the nation’s stature down in their last ditch efforts to retain power. The international community has expressed its disdain for what is happening and that will translate to less foreign investment, less tourism and an even weaker economy.

I call upon the government to rise above petty vindictiveness and maneuvering for power, and to be sincere, honest and hence effective in its actions. The national good that, for the moment now reposes in their hands, demands nothing less.


Bingkisan Ceramah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Stadium Jugra, Kuala Langat

Ceramah di Kuala Langat menyaksikan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim memetik pujangga besar Jawa iaitu Ronggowarsito. Pujangga ini terkenal dengan karyanya yang berjudul Zaman Edan ( Zaman Gila). Di dalam tradisi kepustakaan Jawa, seorang pemimpin harus punyai dua sifat penting.

Pertamanya, sambegana dan keduanya nawungkrida, kedua-dua sifat ini membolehkan pemimpin itu memainkan peranannya di dalam masyarakat dengan baik sekali. Yang pertama itu ialah mempunyai kecerdasan akal, yang juga membawa maksud selalu ingin merempuh dan mencipta sempadan baru di dalam memahami masyarakat. Yang kedua pula tajam meramal zaman dan segala bentuk perubahan yang berlaku. Bila saja pemimpin gagal untuk menguasai ataupun memiliki kedua-dua sifat itu, tibalah zaman kena pakewuh ataupun zaman edan, zaman kacau bilau;

"Hidup di zaman edan,gelap jiwa bingung pikiranturut edan hati tak tahanjika tak turutbatin merana dan penasarantertindas dan kelaparantapi janji Tuhan sudah pastiseuntung apa pun orang yang lupa daratanlebih selamat orang yang menjaga kesadaran".

source: Pejabat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Were the Anwar Sodomy Charges Fake?

Asia Sentinel - A medical report surfaces saying the male aide who filed charges against the opposition leader wasn’t molested. The doctor who examined a 23-year-old male aide allegedly sodomized by Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim found no evidence of tearing or scarring that would indicate penetration, according to a medical report leaked to local journalists.

If the document is genuine, it can be expected to raise further suspicions of complicity on the part of top government leaders in attempting to destroy Anwar politically. The charges against Anwar, filed by the youth on June 28, would have ended the opposition politician’s political career and put him back behind bars, where he had spent six years from 1999 on similar charges, which human rights organizations across the world condemned as trumped up. Sodomy is a crime punishable by up to 20 years imprisonment and caning.

Anwar was arrested two weeks after the youth filed the complaint and was jailed overnight on July 15 after police, some wearing balaclava masks, descended on his home, a move that raised political tensions in Kuala Lumpur and sent Anwar’s supporters into the streets around the police station where he was being held. He refused at that time to give a DNA specimen, charging that it could be misused. .

According the medical report, which allegedly was filed at Hospital Pusrawi Sdn Bhd on Jalan Tun Razak in Kuala Lumpur, the aide, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, was examined by Dr Mohamed Osman on June 28 at 2 pm. After he had gone to the hospital to complain about pain he said he was suffering in his anus, he allegedly told hospital personnel that he had been assaulted by a “very important person.”After Dr Mohamad refused to write a report that Saiful had been sodomized, according to Malaysia Today, the doctor suggested that the youth obtain another diagnosis at a government hospital. Doctors at that hospital also refused to confirm a diagnosis of sodomy, according to the publication, although it did not name the doctors.
Nonetheless, Malaysia Today reported, Saiful filed the report of assault at a nearby police kiosk four hours later.

After Mohamad Osman made the report indicating no sexual assault had taken place, police picked up the doctor and detained him for three days to attempt to persuade him to change his diagnosis, according toMalaysia Today. The doctor, the publication said, has since gone into hiding with his family.

In a telephone interview with Asia Sentinel, Deputy Inspector General of Police Ismail Omar confirmed that Dr Mohamad had been questioned, but said he had never been detained.
Attempts to reach hospital officials were unsuccessful. They were said to be in a meeting. However, although the medical report could not be independently verified, a senior Pusrawi Hospital official told the Internet publication Malaysiakini this morning that the hospital had launched an internal investigation on how Saiful’s medical report was leaked, which is widely considered as a major infringement of patient privacy.

When Malaysiakini showed the official a copy of the report, he refused to return it but he didn’t describe it as fake, saying, “It’s our document.”
Anwar’s party issued a statement saying that “the medical report leaked today appears to confirm what we have always believed - that the allegations against Anwar Ibrahim are without merit and politically motivated.”The existence of the report, the statement continued, “further erodes any confidence the public would have in the credibility of the police report that has been filed against Anwar Ibrahim, a report which remains shrouded in secrecy. Why has this medical report surfaced only today, over one month after the allegations were made, after (Anwar) spent a night in jail, and after the police have spent so much time and money on this case?”
Anwar and his three-party coalition, made up of his own Parti Keadilan Rakyat, the Democratic Action Party and Parti Islam se-Malaysia, are in a no-holds-barred contest to oust the ruling Barisan Nasional, or National Coalition, from 50 years of unbroken power. In March 8 elections, the opposition coalition broke the two-thirds hold of the barisan on the Dewan Rakyat, or parliament, for the first time since independence.

Anwar was in jail and the political wilderness for a decade after he broke with former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in 1998. Although the 1999l sodomy charge against him was later reversed, the 61-year-old former deputy prime minister was barred from running for political office because the corruption charge remained. That ban, however, has been repealed and Anwar expects to stand in a by-election. If he is victorious, he has repeatedly forecast that in mid-September he will lure enough pro-barisan lawmakers this side to take over the government. Anwar has made numerous allegations of political corruption against top leaders of the United Malays National Organisation, the lead party in the three-party Barisan Nasional.
If the coalition indeed takes power, top members of the government, the judiciary and law enforcement have a great deal to fear. Anwar has already sought to have his original conviction reversed and has filed charges against Abdul Ghani Patail, the attorney general, and Musa Hassan, the chief of police for allegedly fabricating the evidence against him in the original case.
Malaysia Today earlier reported that a witness told the publication Saiful had met with Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, the designated successor to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Anwar’s rival for political power, concerning the filing of the charges although Najib had first told reporters he had never met with the youth and later said he had only met him briefly for “career counseling.”

Raja Petra himself has been a major source of embarrassment to the government, directly accusing Najib and his wife of being involved in the brutal execution murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu, who was shot twice in the head in October of 2006 and dumped in a patch of jungle before she was blown up with plastic explosive. In response, the government - although neither Najib nor his wife - has charged Raja Petra with both sedition and criminal libel, a statute that is very rarely used today and deals with the danger to national security.
Raja Petra, a member of the Selangor sultanate, has refused to back down, saying that if he goes to jail, he intends to take Najib down with him. Prime Minister Badawi has fully backed Najib and named him as his successor. Despite numerous attempts to get Najib into court for interrogation, the judge in the year-old trial of one of his best friends and two of his bodyguards for Altantuya’s murder has refused to call him, most recently last week.

Jed Yoong28 July 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Nik Aziz to push for united Muslim party at Pas muktamar

KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 — After rejecting a muzakarah (dialogue) with Umno, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat surprised everyone over the weekend by asking Umno and Pas to dissolve and pave the way for a united Muslim party.

To prove his seriousness, the Pas spiritual leader will bring up the proposal at the Pas muktamar (annual meeting) in Ipoh next month.
"The muktamar will give me an opportunity to present my case," the Kelantan menteri besar told reporters in Kota Baru yesterday. Nik Aziz has been vehemently opposed to the idea of Pas leaders discussing political matters including cooperation with their Umno counterparts.
His counter proposal to the dialogue with Umno has put both parties on the defensive. Party leaders mostly from Umno have described the idea as unsuitable. Umno Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said both parties should place priority on resolving their differences on Malay and Muslim unity.

Pas vice-president Mohamad Sabu called on his party leadership and members to stay calm and avoid making statements that could affect party unity. He believed that the priority for Pas was to strengthen its cooperation with Parti Keadilan Rakyat and DAP within the framework of the opposition's Pakatan Rakyat.
DAP chairman Karpal Singh, who has doubted Pas's credibility, wanted Pakatan to consider whether the Islamist party should be allowed to continue its membership in the loose coalition.
Former PKR strongman Ezam Mohd Nor, who has rejoined Umno, said it was yet another proof that Pakatan would not survive long due to their ideological differences. He claimed that those parties were duped by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who had his own personal agenda to become prime minister.

The Anwar factor has allegedly pushed certain Pas top leaders to have secret talks with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi immediately after the March 8 general election. The Islamist leaders feared that Islam and Malay unity could be eroded under Anwar's perceived liberal leadership.

Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang however insisted that Pas would remain committed to Pakatan despite the partners' different ideologies.


Anwar pilih Kulim Bandar Baharu

KULIM: Parlimen P18 Kulim-Bandar Baharu bakal menempa sejarah, apabila Anwar Ibrahim mengumumkan akan menjadikan kerusi tersebut sebagai ‘pintu’ beliau ke parlimen dalam langkah pertama beliau ke Putrajaya.
“Saya ingin mengesahkan dalam masa terdekat ini saya akan umum bertanding di Kulim (Bandar Baharu).“Insya-Allah, Kulim bakal menempa sejarah Malaysia,” tegas Perdana Menteri dalam penantian itu, yang mendapat tepukan gemuruh lebih 10 ribu orang yang memenuhi dalam dan luar Dewan Rekreasi Cina dekat sini, semalam.
Bagaimanapun menurut Anwar, keputusan itu bergantung kepada keputusan petisyen pilihan raya di Mahkamah Tinggi Alor Setar pada 19 Ogos depan.Kerusi tersebut kini disandang oleh Zulkifli Noordin dari keADILan selepas menewaskan calon BN Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir dengan majoriti 5583 undi pada pilihanraya 8 Mac lepas. Abdul Aziz bagaimanapun mengemukakan petisyen mencabar keputusan tersebut. Mahkamah sepatutnya mendengar petisyen untuk membatalkan kemenangan Zulkifli pada 22 Julai lalu, bagaimanapun menangguhkannya pada 19 Ogos tanpa sebab yang jelas.
Kerusi berkenaan mempunyai 51,995 pengundi dengan komposisi Melayu 69.5%, Cina 18.6%, India 11.7% dan lain-lain 0.2%.Pada pilihan raya lalu Zulkifli mendapat 22,255 mengalahkan Abdul Aziz yang mendapat 16,672. Ketika Anwar membuat pengumuman itu, Zulkifli juga turut sama hadir. Menurut Anwar beliau menyambut pelawaan Zulkifli yang menawarkan kerusi tersebut kepadanya, sekiranya mahkamah memutuskan kerusi tersebut kosong.Jelasnya lagi keputusan tersebut juga mendapat sokongan padu dari pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat. Presiden PAS Hadi Awang dan Menteri Besar Kedah Azizan Razak telah bertekad akan menggerakkan seluruh jentera pilihan raya PAS di peringkat pusat dan negeri. DAP juga katanya akan terus memberikan sokongan padu kepada beliau dan Pakatan Rakyat.“Kalau saya bertanding di Kulim, kita akan pastikan markas-markas BN kosong,” ujarnya bersemangat.“Mana-mana ada saki baki ahli Umno, tolonglah keluar parti, malulah, rakyat susah, barang naik, minyak naik,” katanya.Anwar turut mengulangi tidak pernah memusuhi ahli-ahli bawahan Umno, sebaliknya menentang para pemimpin Umno yang mengkhianati amanah rakyat.Menurutnya lagi Umno-BN kini sedang nazak dan menghadapi kemelut politik dalaman yang begitu parah. Umno semakin terdesak lemas lantaran pergelutan dalaman dan kegagalan mengatasi kemelut politik dan kegawatan ekonomi.
Keputusan beliau untuk menyertai pilihan raya kecil itu, bukan sahaja mengusarkan bahkan membuatkan para pemimpin Umno-BN semakin tidak keruan.Kata Anwar ini tergambar ketika usul undi tidak percaya kepada Perdana Menteri yang dikemukakan oleh Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah baru-baru ini.Jelasnya ketika itu Umno terpaksa menggunakan mahkamah menghalang beliau hadir ke parlimen bagi menyaksikan usul itu dibahaskan.Namun kini, kata Anwar para pemimpin Umno-BN khususnya dari Sabah dan Sarawak sedang menanti beliau di parlimen untuk bersama-sama bergabung membentuk kerajaan baru Pakatan Rakyat.“Kita hendak buktikan kita hendak mengangkat martabat rakyat, ini soal maruah, usaha untuk mengangkat martabat rakyat, Kulim Bandar Baharu akan tempah sejarah di Malaysia,” tegasnya.Anwar sebelum itu disambut meriah dengan tarian singa dan paluan gendang India.Difahamkan ekoran notis terlalu singkat, penganjur hanya sempat mewarkan-warkan ceramah .