Thursday, July 31, 2008

Anwar Mungkin ditahan 'dalam 48 jam'

PKR hari ini meramalkan penasihatnya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim akan ditahan dalam "tempoh 48 jam" berhubung kes dakwaan meliwat bagi menghalangnya bertanding dalam pilihanraya kecil di Permatang Pauh.Ketua penerangannya Tian Chua berkata PKR tidak menolak kemungkinan Anwar ditahan dalam tempoh terdekat.
"Kelihatannya mereka merancang mendakwanya (di mahkamah) pada Isnin depan," katanya agensi berita AFP."Mereka mungkin menangkapnya dalam tempoh 48 jam akan datang. Ia bertujuan menyekatnya bertanding dalam satu pilihanraya kecil."

Wan Azizah quits, Anwar to contest and Police to Wrapped Up Investigation

PETALING JAYA: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has resigned as Permatang Pauh Member of Parliament to make way for her husband Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to contest in a by-election.

At a packed press conference at the party headquarters on Thursday, Dr Wan Azizah said the decision was made after deliberations with her family, the PKR leadership and its partners in the Pakatan Rakyat loose coalition of Opposition parties.

"I have officially submitted my resignation as MP to the Parliament Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, to make way for my husband, Anwar Ibrahim, to contest as a candidate for Pakatan Rakyat in a by-election as soon as possible," she said.

Dr Wan Azizah, who showed no emotion during the press conference, said it was the right decision for Malaysia and that she would continue serving as PKR president and chairman of the Peace Foundation.

Together with her were PKR vice-presidents Azmin Ali and R. Sivarasa, her daughter and Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar, and Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai.
Dr Wan Azizah also thanked her supporters in Permatang Pauh who had stood by her in the most difficult of times.

"Anwar Ibrahim has the experience and intelligence to reinvigorate our economy, and the charisma and integrity to unite Malaysians.

"And I'm not saying this just because he is my husband," she added.

As to who would be taking over as the Opposition leader in Parliament, Dr Wan Azizah said that would be discussed with other Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

Anwar, under a police investigation for allegedly sodomising a former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 23, had previously said he would contest in the Kulim-Bandar Baharu parliamentary constituency, where an election petition is pending.

The case is scheduled for hearing on Aug 19.
On Thursday, Anwar said he had decided to contest in Pematang Pauh instead because the Kulim petition might take too long to settle.

He had previously said that he would have the numbers to form the government by Sept 16, and said the sodomy allegation was a part of a conspiracy to stop him from doing so.

He has denied the sodomy allegations and has filed a defamation suit against Mohd Saiful.

The Election Commission is required under the law to call for a by-election within 60 days.
Its chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman said the Commission would start preparing for the by-election upon receiving notice from the Speaker.

Also on Thursday, Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar announced that the police had wrapped up their investigations into the sodomy case, and have sent their report to the Attorney-General's Chambers for further action.


Ringkasan Fatwa Sheikh Taha Jabir Al-Alwani

Segala puji bagi Allah dan selawat serta salam buat Rasul Junjungan, keluarga baginda, sahabat nya dan kepada seluruh yang mengikuti sunnahnya.

Mengikut ulama mazhab Shafi’i dan ulama tafsir sekaliannya hukum bagi qazaf zina juga terpakai bagi qazaf liwat sebagaimana yang termaktub dalam Surah al Nur.

Imam Malik dan Imam Ahmad juga berpendapat yang sama.
Pemfitnah dalam kes liwat juga dihukum sama dengan penfitnah dalam kes zina menurut Imam Malik dan Imam Shafii.

Para Ulama Shafii lainnya yang berpendapat sama:

1. Ibn Qudamah dalam “al Mughni” jilid: 10, mukasurat 209 Imam al Shafii berpendapat yang sama. Begitu juga al Hasan al Basri, al Nakha’i, al Zuhri, Malik, Abu Yusuf, dan Muhammad Ibn al Hasan.

2. Syarah al Zarqani dalam “Fath al Qadeer”, jilid 2, mukasurat 290, bersetuju dengan pendapat di atas.

3. Imam al Shawkani dalam “Syarah Fathul Qadeer” memperincikan ini (mukasurat 150 – 190).

4. Imam al Shirazi dalam “al Muhahthab” Jilid: 2, mukasurat 273 dan terperinci dalam Syarah al Shirazi, Jilid: 3, mukasurat .

5. Di kalangan ulama kontemporari yang bersetuju ialah al Shaheed Abdul Qadir Audah dalam karyanya “al Tashree al Jinae fi al Islam”

6. Juga boleh dirujuk The Encyclopedia of Fiqh (Kuwait) Jilid: 33, mukasurat 9
Ini juga merupakan pendapat Hasan al Basri, al Nakhai, al Zuahri, Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad, Muhammad ibn Hasan al Shaybani dan Abu Yusuf. Semuanya bersetuju dengan Imam al Shafi’i

7. Imam al Khateeb Al Sharbeeni dalam buku beliau “al Iqna’ dalam Fiqh al Shafii”, Jilid: 1, mukasurat 93.

8. Al Mawardi dalam “al Ahkam al Sultaniyyah” mukasurat 463.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Latest:Rodwan met Saiful three days earlier

Malaysia Today

At 2.30pm on Wednesday, 25 June 2008, Senior Assistant Commissioner (SAC) II Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof met Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan in room 619 of the Concorde Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Prior to this secret meeting, Rodwan and Saiful spoke on the phone at least eight (8) times.Three days later, at 2.00pm on 28 June 2008, Saiful went to see Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid of the Hospital Pusrawi to ‘complain’ that he had been sodomised by ‘a very important person’ and that he wished to lodge a police report. The doctor, however, found no traces or evidence that he had been sodomised and suggested, for purposes of the police report, that Saiful go to a government hospital.

Who is Rodwan, other than the fact that he works for the IGP and is known as the police chief’s bagman and go-between with the organised crime syndicate that controls all the drugs, prostitution, loan-sharking and gambling rackets? Well, read the following archived reports to get a better understanding of this scumbag and slime-ball named Rodwan. Maybe then you can understand why he met Saiful in a hotel room three days before the sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim exploded.


Berita HarianRabu, 30 Disember 1998

Seorang pakar forensik Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) memberitahu Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini bahawa contoh darah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak boleh digunakan untuk ujian DNA kerana ia diambil dan disediakan bagi ujian HIV, Hepatitis B dan VD (penyakit kelamin).Dr Zahari Noor berkata, oleh kerana itu beliau menolak permintaan polis sebanyak dua kali supaya contoh darah itu digunakan untuk ujian DNA. Menurutnya, ketika di Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman pada 28 September lalu bagi mengambil darah Anwar, beliau ditanya oleh Asisten Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof sama ada ujian DNA boleh dilakukan terhadap Anwar. Katanya, beliau menasihatkan polis supaya tidak mengambil darah Anwar untuk ujian DNA kerana Anwar hanya memberi persetujuan supaya darahnya digunakan bagi ujian HIV, Hepatitis B dan VD."

Pada 15 Oktober lalu, Mohd Rodwan dan SAC I (Senior Asisten Komisioner) Musa Hassan datang ke HKL dan bertanya sama ada mereka boleh mengambil contoh darah Anwar untuk analisis DNA," katanya.Dr Zahari: Kami memberikan empat sebab kepada polis mengapa ujian DNA tidak boleh dilakukan terhadap darah Anwar:

* contoh itu tidak disediakan untuk analisis DNA,
* ia tidak sesuai untuk ujian DNA,
* pendapat kami ialah keputusan ujian DNA itu tidak boleh dipercayai.
* ia boleh membawa keputusan yang mengelirukan kerana kami menyimpan contoh darah itu di dalam bekas biasa tanpa pengawet atau EDTA.

Katanya, mereka kemudian mencadangkan kepada polis bahawa mereka bersedia pada bila-bila masa untuk mengambil contoh darah Anwar di penjara Sungai Buloh untuk ujian DNA jika tertuduh membenarkannya.


"In 1998-1999 trials, Anwar experienced the phenomenon of fabrication of DNA evidence. We had SAC Rodwan illegally removing DNA samples from forensic custody. In cross-examination of the prosecution's witnesses it was exposed that DNA taken from blood samples was planted on the infamous mattress," said Sivarasa."When confronted with this fact the prosecution amended its charge and persuaded the judge, Augustine Paul, to expunge the entire DNA evidence from the record, preventing Anwar's lawyers from responding."


Police have never dilly-dallied in investigating the alleged sodomy against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim since the case was reported to police on June 28, said Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar. He said the police, instead, had been relentlessly seeking relevant and the latest information, besides giving the case priority, as it was a high-profile case."We want to solve this case as soon as possible. The investigating officer is constantly looking for new leads. We are doing our best and we need the cooperation of all quarters concerned," he told Bernama when contacted here Tuesday.Ismail was asked to comment on Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar's statement on Monday, asking for police to speed up the investigations into the sodomy allegation against the Parti Keadilan Rakyat advisor.

He said since the police investigations began, some quarters had been making speculations and statements that could interfere with the investigations."I wish to warn everyone, including bloggers, not to disturb police investigations by disseminating material or information that is inaccurate or false."Action will be taken against those who deliberately try to interfere with the investigations. Let the police do a meticulous job," he added.


Sources told The Malaysian Insider that investigators are "crossing the t's and dotting the i's" and will be relying on Anwar's DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) samples from 1998 when he faced similar charges which cost him the chance to be prime minister."Nobody wants a repeat of 1998 when the prosecution had to amend the charges. Anwar has alleged that he had an alibi for the 24 hours on the day the offence took place. So the authorities have to check everything out," said an official who is familiar with the investigations."We understand that there is an attempt to quash credibility of the case even before the matter goes to court. The police cannot say too much because then they will be accused of trial by media and ministers cannot say much because they will be accused to interference."This case is built on strong scientific evidence," the official added.


This was posted on Susan Loone’s blog:


I would like to write the following statement in the name of GOD whom I believe.I am a government doctor in the rank of consultant working in Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). I know personally the doctors who examined Saiful on that day - 28 June 2008.The so-called medical report mentioned in the NST is a fabrication or imagination by the UMNO paper. There is no such medical report submitted to the polis yet.

When examining Saiful, the specialist could not find any signs of Saiful being sodomised. Saiful was very cheerful, unlike real sodomised patients who will usually be very sad and disturbed.Saiful was subsequently admitted to the ward and observed for a day. He was completely well in the ward and not emotionally disturbed.Please let RPK know of this.


Anwar beri keterangan di JAWI

Ketua umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kini berada di Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Jawi) untuk memberikan kenyataan berhubung aduannya mengenai tuduhan liwat terhadapnya oleh bekas pembantunya Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.Mantan timbalan perdana menteri itu ditemani oleh isterinya Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail dan peguam Kamar Ainiah Kamaruzaman.Anwar membuat aduan terhadap Saiful pada 9 Julai lalu.

Sementara itu, para wartawan telah berkumpul di rumah Anwar di Bukit Segambut sejak jam 5.30 pagi tadi susulan khabar angin yang mengatakan beliau mungkin akan ditahan dan didakwa atas tuduhan liwat.Bagaimanapun tiada apa yang berlaku dan Anwar tiba di pejabat JAWI pada jam 10.30 pagi.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Prees Statement by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim 29.7.2008

The hospital report leaked yesterday confirms our contention that the allegations leveled against me are baseless and politically motivated and that the complainant is an outright liar working hand in glove with those in power to assassinate my character and attempt to derail the people’s aspirations for transformational change in government.

This report makes a mockery of the so-called “impartial police investigations” and clearly shows the dubious but persistent attempts to incriminate me by whatever means employable.
How else can we fathom why the police during the last four weeks of their “thorough and professional investigations” have overlooked such a critical piece of evidence? I condemn in the strongest terms their negligence, dishonesty and recklessness in humiliating the nation by dragging us all through this vile and filthy charade.

Our refusal to submit a DNA sample has been vindicated. The failure of the police to disclose this medical report all but confirms their intention to frame me. Although quite apparent even before yesterday, their desperate attempt to collect a new DNA sample is now even more clearly a last ditch effort to build a case where none exists.
The statement by Bar President Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan in response to this latest development bears repeating.

“The credibility of the Malaysian justice system as a whole is therefore atstake. The integrity of professionals, be they doctors or lawyers, must never be interfered with. The public must be left in no doubt that the criminaljustice system in this country will not be misused or abused.”
Several weeks ago I filed a police report implicating Musa Hassan and Gani Patail in the conspiracy to fabricate evidence in my 1998 case. The ACA subsequently opened an inquiry into the matter. Given their current involvement as heads of the police and Attorney General’s chambers, and their earlier attempts to discredit and defame me, I have consistently asserted that a fair investigation into this matter would be impossible, notwithstanding the dubious character of the complainant and his association with the Deputy Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister’s wife and, her staff, as well as key figures in the police department.

I reiterate earlier calls to ensure the safety and security of the doctor who authored this medical report. Reports that he and his family may be in danger must not be taken lightly given earlier instances when key witnesses in high-profile cases in Malaysia have been threatened, coerced or gone missing.

My family and I have endured a great deal during the last month. Our fears of arepeat of the trauma and abuse inflicted upon us in 1998 were bearable only with the tremendous outpouring of support from our friends in Malaysia and throughout the world. We breathed a deep sigh of relief upon hearing of the report and after seeing it with our own eyes felt a great burden lifted from our shoulders. We remain eternally grateful to them for their belief in us and their commitment to the cause of freedom and justice in Malaysia.
I have willingly cooperated in the police investigations; careless and vindictive though it has turned out to be. But I have decided that nation is in a grave situation economically and socially and I can no longer be distracted by such nuisances. I am now determined to move ahead with the reform agenda, which the Malaysian people endorse in the last elections, and i do not intend to address this scurrilous accusations anymore.

At a time when the world economy is spiraling into recession and Malaysia has struggled to remain competitive with its neighbors, this scandal was raised at the worst possible moment. The problems of inflation, unemployment, and investor confidence grow more serious by the day The authorities, aided by senior Ministers in the government, appear to be willfully dragging the nation’s stature down in their last ditch efforts to retain power. The international community has expressed its disdain for what is happening and that will translate to less foreign investment, less tourism and an even weaker economy.

I call upon the government to rise above petty vindictiveness and maneuvering for power, and to be sincere, honest and hence effective in its actions. The national good that, for the moment now reposes in their hands, demands nothing less.


Bingkisan Ceramah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Stadium Jugra, Kuala Langat

Ceramah di Kuala Langat menyaksikan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim memetik pujangga besar Jawa iaitu Ronggowarsito. Pujangga ini terkenal dengan karyanya yang berjudul Zaman Edan ( Zaman Gila). Di dalam tradisi kepustakaan Jawa, seorang pemimpin harus punyai dua sifat penting.

Pertamanya, sambegana dan keduanya nawungkrida, kedua-dua sifat ini membolehkan pemimpin itu memainkan peranannya di dalam masyarakat dengan baik sekali. Yang pertama itu ialah mempunyai kecerdasan akal, yang juga membawa maksud selalu ingin merempuh dan mencipta sempadan baru di dalam memahami masyarakat. Yang kedua pula tajam meramal zaman dan segala bentuk perubahan yang berlaku. Bila saja pemimpin gagal untuk menguasai ataupun memiliki kedua-dua sifat itu, tibalah zaman kena pakewuh ataupun zaman edan, zaman kacau bilau;

"Hidup di zaman edan,gelap jiwa bingung pikiranturut edan hati tak tahanjika tak turutbatin merana dan penasarantertindas dan kelaparantapi janji Tuhan sudah pastiseuntung apa pun orang yang lupa daratanlebih selamat orang yang menjaga kesadaran".

source: Pejabat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Were the Anwar Sodomy Charges Fake?

Asia Sentinel - A medical report surfaces saying the male aide who filed charges against the opposition leader wasn’t molested. The doctor who examined a 23-year-old male aide allegedly sodomized by Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim found no evidence of tearing or scarring that would indicate penetration, according to a medical report leaked to local journalists.

If the document is genuine, it can be expected to raise further suspicions of complicity on the part of top government leaders in attempting to destroy Anwar politically. The charges against Anwar, filed by the youth on June 28, would have ended the opposition politician’s political career and put him back behind bars, where he had spent six years from 1999 on similar charges, which human rights organizations across the world condemned as trumped up. Sodomy is a crime punishable by up to 20 years imprisonment and caning.

Anwar was arrested two weeks after the youth filed the complaint and was jailed overnight on July 15 after police, some wearing balaclava masks, descended on his home, a move that raised political tensions in Kuala Lumpur and sent Anwar’s supporters into the streets around the police station where he was being held. He refused at that time to give a DNA specimen, charging that it could be misused. .

According the medical report, which allegedly was filed at Hospital Pusrawi Sdn Bhd on Jalan Tun Razak in Kuala Lumpur, the aide, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, was examined by Dr Mohamed Osman on June 28 at 2 pm. After he had gone to the hospital to complain about pain he said he was suffering in his anus, he allegedly told hospital personnel that he had been assaulted by a “very important person.”After Dr Mohamad refused to write a report that Saiful had been sodomized, according to Malaysia Today, the doctor suggested that the youth obtain another diagnosis at a government hospital. Doctors at that hospital also refused to confirm a diagnosis of sodomy, according to the publication, although it did not name the doctors.
Nonetheless, Malaysia Today reported, Saiful filed the report of assault at a nearby police kiosk four hours later.

After Mohamad Osman made the report indicating no sexual assault had taken place, police picked up the doctor and detained him for three days to attempt to persuade him to change his diagnosis, according toMalaysia Today. The doctor, the publication said, has since gone into hiding with his family.

In a telephone interview with Asia Sentinel, Deputy Inspector General of Police Ismail Omar confirmed that Dr Mohamad had been questioned, but said he had never been detained.
Attempts to reach hospital officials were unsuccessful. They were said to be in a meeting. However, although the medical report could not be independently verified, a senior Pusrawi Hospital official told the Internet publication Malaysiakini this morning that the hospital had launched an internal investigation on how Saiful’s medical report was leaked, which is widely considered as a major infringement of patient privacy.

When Malaysiakini showed the official a copy of the report, he refused to return it but he didn’t describe it as fake, saying, “It’s our document.”
Anwar’s party issued a statement saying that “the medical report leaked today appears to confirm what we have always believed - that the allegations against Anwar Ibrahim are without merit and politically motivated.”The existence of the report, the statement continued, “further erodes any confidence the public would have in the credibility of the police report that has been filed against Anwar Ibrahim, a report which remains shrouded in secrecy. Why has this medical report surfaced only today, over one month after the allegations were made, after (Anwar) spent a night in jail, and after the police have spent so much time and money on this case?”
Anwar and his three-party coalition, made up of his own Parti Keadilan Rakyat, the Democratic Action Party and Parti Islam se-Malaysia, are in a no-holds-barred contest to oust the ruling Barisan Nasional, or National Coalition, from 50 years of unbroken power. In March 8 elections, the opposition coalition broke the two-thirds hold of the barisan on the Dewan Rakyat, or parliament, for the first time since independence.

Anwar was in jail and the political wilderness for a decade after he broke with former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in 1998. Although the 1999l sodomy charge against him was later reversed, the 61-year-old former deputy prime minister was barred from running for political office because the corruption charge remained. That ban, however, has been repealed and Anwar expects to stand in a by-election. If he is victorious, he has repeatedly forecast that in mid-September he will lure enough pro-barisan lawmakers this side to take over the government. Anwar has made numerous allegations of political corruption against top leaders of the United Malays National Organisation, the lead party in the three-party Barisan Nasional.
If the coalition indeed takes power, top members of the government, the judiciary and law enforcement have a great deal to fear. Anwar has already sought to have his original conviction reversed and has filed charges against Abdul Ghani Patail, the attorney general, and Musa Hassan, the chief of police for allegedly fabricating the evidence against him in the original case.
Malaysia Today earlier reported that a witness told the publication Saiful had met with Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, the designated successor to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Anwar’s rival for political power, concerning the filing of the charges although Najib had first told reporters he had never met with the youth and later said he had only met him briefly for “career counseling.”

Raja Petra himself has been a major source of embarrassment to the government, directly accusing Najib and his wife of being involved in the brutal execution murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu, who was shot twice in the head in October of 2006 and dumped in a patch of jungle before she was blown up with plastic explosive. In response, the government - although neither Najib nor his wife - has charged Raja Petra with both sedition and criminal libel, a statute that is very rarely used today and deals with the danger to national security.
Raja Petra, a member of the Selangor sultanate, has refused to back down, saying that if he goes to jail, he intends to take Najib down with him. Prime Minister Badawi has fully backed Najib and named him as his successor. Despite numerous attempts to get Najib into court for interrogation, the judge in the year-old trial of one of his best friends and two of his bodyguards for Altantuya’s murder has refused to call him, most recently last week.

Jed Yoong28 July 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Nik Aziz to push for united Muslim party at Pas muktamar

KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 — After rejecting a muzakarah (dialogue) with Umno, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat surprised everyone over the weekend by asking Umno and Pas to dissolve and pave the way for a united Muslim party.

To prove his seriousness, the Pas spiritual leader will bring up the proposal at the Pas muktamar (annual meeting) in Ipoh next month.
"The muktamar will give me an opportunity to present my case," the Kelantan menteri besar told reporters in Kota Baru yesterday. Nik Aziz has been vehemently opposed to the idea of Pas leaders discussing political matters including cooperation with their Umno counterparts.
His counter proposal to the dialogue with Umno has put both parties on the defensive. Party leaders mostly from Umno have described the idea as unsuitable. Umno Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said both parties should place priority on resolving their differences on Malay and Muslim unity.

Pas vice-president Mohamad Sabu called on his party leadership and members to stay calm and avoid making statements that could affect party unity. He believed that the priority for Pas was to strengthen its cooperation with Parti Keadilan Rakyat and DAP within the framework of the opposition's Pakatan Rakyat.
DAP chairman Karpal Singh, who has doubted Pas's credibility, wanted Pakatan to consider whether the Islamist party should be allowed to continue its membership in the loose coalition.
Former PKR strongman Ezam Mohd Nor, who has rejoined Umno, said it was yet another proof that Pakatan would not survive long due to their ideological differences. He claimed that those parties were duped by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who had his own personal agenda to become prime minister.

The Anwar factor has allegedly pushed certain Pas top leaders to have secret talks with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi immediately after the March 8 general election. The Islamist leaders feared that Islam and Malay unity could be eroded under Anwar's perceived liberal leadership.

Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang however insisted that Pas would remain committed to Pakatan despite the partners' different ideologies.


Anwar pilih Kulim Bandar Baharu

KULIM: Parlimen P18 Kulim-Bandar Baharu bakal menempa sejarah, apabila Anwar Ibrahim mengumumkan akan menjadikan kerusi tersebut sebagai ‘pintu’ beliau ke parlimen dalam langkah pertama beliau ke Putrajaya.
“Saya ingin mengesahkan dalam masa terdekat ini saya akan umum bertanding di Kulim (Bandar Baharu).“Insya-Allah, Kulim bakal menempa sejarah Malaysia,” tegas Perdana Menteri dalam penantian itu, yang mendapat tepukan gemuruh lebih 10 ribu orang yang memenuhi dalam dan luar Dewan Rekreasi Cina dekat sini, semalam.
Bagaimanapun menurut Anwar, keputusan itu bergantung kepada keputusan petisyen pilihan raya di Mahkamah Tinggi Alor Setar pada 19 Ogos depan.Kerusi tersebut kini disandang oleh Zulkifli Noordin dari keADILan selepas menewaskan calon BN Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir dengan majoriti 5583 undi pada pilihanraya 8 Mac lepas. Abdul Aziz bagaimanapun mengemukakan petisyen mencabar keputusan tersebut. Mahkamah sepatutnya mendengar petisyen untuk membatalkan kemenangan Zulkifli pada 22 Julai lalu, bagaimanapun menangguhkannya pada 19 Ogos tanpa sebab yang jelas.
Kerusi berkenaan mempunyai 51,995 pengundi dengan komposisi Melayu 69.5%, Cina 18.6%, India 11.7% dan lain-lain 0.2%.Pada pilihan raya lalu Zulkifli mendapat 22,255 mengalahkan Abdul Aziz yang mendapat 16,672. Ketika Anwar membuat pengumuman itu, Zulkifli juga turut sama hadir. Menurut Anwar beliau menyambut pelawaan Zulkifli yang menawarkan kerusi tersebut kepadanya, sekiranya mahkamah memutuskan kerusi tersebut kosong.Jelasnya lagi keputusan tersebut juga mendapat sokongan padu dari pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat. Presiden PAS Hadi Awang dan Menteri Besar Kedah Azizan Razak telah bertekad akan menggerakkan seluruh jentera pilihan raya PAS di peringkat pusat dan negeri. DAP juga katanya akan terus memberikan sokongan padu kepada beliau dan Pakatan Rakyat.“Kalau saya bertanding di Kulim, kita akan pastikan markas-markas BN kosong,” ujarnya bersemangat.“Mana-mana ada saki baki ahli Umno, tolonglah keluar parti, malulah, rakyat susah, barang naik, minyak naik,” katanya.Anwar turut mengulangi tidak pernah memusuhi ahli-ahli bawahan Umno, sebaliknya menentang para pemimpin Umno yang mengkhianati amanah rakyat.Menurutnya lagi Umno-BN kini sedang nazak dan menghadapi kemelut politik dalaman yang begitu parah. Umno semakin terdesak lemas lantaran pergelutan dalaman dan kegagalan mengatasi kemelut politik dan kegawatan ekonomi.
Keputusan beliau untuk menyertai pilihan raya kecil itu, bukan sahaja mengusarkan bahkan membuatkan para pemimpin Umno-BN semakin tidak keruan.Kata Anwar ini tergambar ketika usul undi tidak percaya kepada Perdana Menteri yang dikemukakan oleh Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah baru-baru ini.Jelasnya ketika itu Umno terpaksa menggunakan mahkamah menghalang beliau hadir ke parlimen bagi menyaksikan usul itu dibahaskan.Namun kini, kata Anwar para pemimpin Umno-BN khususnya dari Sabah dan Sarawak sedang menanti beliau di parlimen untuk bersama-sama bergabung membentuk kerajaan baru Pakatan Rakyat.“Kita hendak buktikan kita hendak mengangkat martabat rakyat, ini soal maruah, usaha untuk mengangkat martabat rakyat, Kulim Bandar Baharu akan tempah sejarah di Malaysia,” tegasnya.Anwar sebelum itu disambut meriah dengan tarian singa dan paluan gendang India.Difahamkan ekoran notis terlalu singkat, penganjur hanya sempat mewarkan-warkan ceramah .

Laporan Perubatan PUSRAWI:Doktor Hilang

Pada 21 Julai, aku tulis tentang Konspirasi AG dan IGP. Dalam posting tu, aku ada tulis yang ni.

Hangpa tau, depa minta seorang doktor dari sebuah hospital untuk melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap Saiful. Doktor tu pun buat dan dalam laporannya, dia kata tidak ada bukti Anwar melakukan liwat terhadap anak muda ini. Polis kemudian menahan doktor ini selama tiga hari. Walaupun polis cuba memaksa doktor ini untuk menukar laporannya untuk membabitkan Anwar, doktor tersebut enggan melakukannya.
Sehingga hari ini, doktor tersebut tetap dengan pendiriannya mengatakan tidak ada bukti terhadap Anwar. Dia tahu dia terpaksa membayar harganya tapi dia tidak peduli. Dia tidak akan menukar laporannya dan mengatakan Anwar meliwat saiful, walau apapun terjadi kepadanya. Kecewa dengan ini, polis terpaksa membebaskan Anwar dengan jaminan polis. Doktor tersebut enggan menukar laporannya dan Anwar enggan memberikan contoh DNA nya.
Sebenarnya, doktor tersebut ialah Dr. Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid dari Hospital Pusrawi dan dia bersama seluruh anggota keluarganya telah bersembunyi kerana polis sedang mencari mereka dan mahukan doktor ini mengubah laporan perubatan yang dibuatnya.Pada 2.00 petang, 28 June 2008, mohd. Saiful Bukhari Bin Azlan telah pergi menemui Dr. Mohamed Osman dan mengadu tentang kesakitan dibahagian dubur yang dialaminya.
Saiful memberitahu doktor tersebut bahawa dia di "perkosa' oleh seorang yang sangat penting - maknanya, Anwar Ibrahim.Dr. Mohamed Osman memeriksa Saiful tetapi mendapati tiada bukti bahawa dia diliwat, sama ada oleh Anwar Ibrahim ataupun sesiapa saja. Laporan doktor (boleh dilihat dibawah) mengatakan TIADA kesan luka pada kulit, TIADA pendarahan, TIADA kesan-kesan nanah dsb - secara asasnya bermakna tidak mungkin dia mengalami kesakitan diduburnya, seperti yang didakwa.Pemeriksaan doktor menolak kemungkinan Saiful telah diliwat. Dengan lain perkataan, Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Bin Azlan tidak mengalami apa-apa kesakitan diduburnya, dan tidak juga diperkosa atau diliwat.Saiful kemudiannya memberitahu bahawa dia mahu membuat laporan polis, lantas Dr. mohamed osman mencadangkan dia (Saiful) pergi untuk membuat pemeriksaan kedua dihospital kerajaan. Saiful kemudiannya pergi kehospital kerajaan dan doktor disitu juga mendapati perkara yang sama.
Walaubagaimanapun, Saiful masih membuat laporan polis dipondok polis yang terdapat dihospital.disebalik semua pengesahan doktor yang mengatakan Saiful tidak pernah diliwat, polis masih meneruskan kes ini. Anwar Ibrahim kemudiannya telah ditangkap oleh kira-kira 20 anggota UTK yang bersenjata dan memakai topeng dihadapan rumahnya walaupun dia telah bersetuju untuk melapur diri kebalai polis pada pukul 2.00 petang seperti yang dijanjikan.Polis kemudiannya telah menahan Anwar didalam lokap sehingga keesokan harinya, malah telah dibawa kehospital untuk pemeriksaan dan mencuba untuk memperolehi sampel untuk tujuan profil DNA walaupun polis sudah pun mempunyai profil DAN Anwar pada tahun 1998 dan doktor-doktor dari dua buah hospital telah mengesahkan Saiful tidak diliwat.Sudah jelas, kerajaan sedang mencuba untuk memalsukan bukti terhadap Anwar dan mencuba untuk membuktikan Anwar bersalah, melalui tuduhan liwat palsu.Dan siapakah dibelakang konspirasi ini, kalau bukan AG dan IGP, dua pelakon yang sama dengan konspirasi 1998.
Laporan doktor amat jelas. Saiful TIDAK pernah diliwat, sama ada oleh Anwar atau sesiapa pun. Mengapa kerajaan masih meneruskan kes ini terhadap Anwar? Dan mengapa mereka masih mencari doktor itu bersama keluarganya yang sekarang terpaksa bersembunyi?Pertubuhan-pertubuhan masyarakat, NGO dan Majlis Peguam tidak seharusnya berdiam diri. Polis telah pun menahan doktor tersebut selama tiga hari tetapi masih enggan memalsukan laporannya. Anwar tidak meliwat saiful dan laporan doktor melaporkan dengan begitu jelas. dan polis juga mempunyai salinan laporan yang sama seperti yang disiarkan dibawah supaya mereka tahu apa yang aku tahu. Dan sekarang, rakyat Malaysia sudahpun mengetahui apa yang polis dan aku tahu.... iaitu Saiful tidak pernah diliwat oleh sesiapa pun.
(Posting ini adalah terjemahan kepada artikel yang dibuat oleh Raja Petra..Doctor on the run: police want him to fabricate evidence against Anwar )

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Polis cari kesan Anwar di lokap

Jimadie Shah Othman Jul 25, 08 5:32pm

Peguam Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mendakwa selepas ketua umum PKR itu dibebaskan daripada tahanan, satu pasukan forensik memasuki lokap dan mengambil kesan-kesannya termasuk rambut, bulu-bulu dan sel kulit.Mantan timbalan perdana menteri ditahan pada 16 Julai lalu di ibu pejabat polis (IPK) Kuala Lumpur berhubung dakwaan liwat terhadapnya dan dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin pada hari berikutnya."Selepas beliau (Anwar) dibebaskan - bahagian ini tidak divideokan - kumpulan forensik (polis) cepat-cepat masuk ke dalam bilik (Anwar ditahan) dan mengambil semua kesan rambut dan bulu, dan mungkin juga sel kulit Anwar," kata Sivarasa Rasiah."Adakah (tindakan) ini dilakukan terhadap tahanan reman? Tidak. "Kenapa ini dilakukan dalam kes Anwar? Kenapa hantar kumpulan forensik? Apakah releven siasatan dengan cara begini," kata Sivarasa, yang juga naib presiden PKR, kepada pemberita hari ini.

Beliau sebelum itu memberikan keterangan kepada polis berhubung siasatan akuan berkanun pertama penyiasat persendirian P Balasubramaniam yang mengaitkan timbalan perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dengan Altantuya Shaariibuu.Tindakan forensik itu, tambahnya "menimbulkan banyak persoalan" dan "motifnya diragui".Menurutnya lagi, beliau mendapat tahu mengenai tindakan pasukan forensik itu sehari selepas Anwar dibebaskan.Ditanya sama ada kemungkinan polis mengambil DNA Anwar melalui kesan-kesan yang diambil, beliau tidak menafikannya, tetapi, menurut beliau, "secara saintifiknya sampel itu tidak boleh dipakai"."Kita boleh buat spekulasi. Apa tujuannya (ambil rambut, bulu dan sel kulit)? Kenapa mahu ambil sampel dari simen. Apa relevannya? "Mungkin dia (polis) akan cuba ambil sampel DNA dengan cara ini. Tetapi ini akan dibantah dalam mahkamah, jika digunakan."Bagaimana kamu boleh ambil sampel macam ini... sebab (dalam) lokap itu, kita tahu, ini fakta, hari sebelumnya memang dipenuhi tahanan lain. "Jadi, secara saintifik, sampel yang diambil tidak boleh dipakai (kerana mungkin bercampur dengan sampel lain)," kata Sivarasa.

Pergerakan Anwar dirakam. Katanya, polis juga merakam seluruh pergerakan Anwar, menggunakan kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) dan perakam video sepanjang beliau berada di Kuala Lumpur, tambah Sivarasa.Rakaman kamera video dibuat oleh anggota polis yang berpakaian biasa, tambahnya."Setiap masa. Termasuk waktu beliau hendak solat. Waktu beliau ambil air sembahyang, beliau kata (kepada polis): Berhenti rakam," katanya.Mengulas lanjut mengenainya, Sivarasa berkata: "Saya tak pernah tengok orang yang di bawah jagaan polis dirakamkan sebegitu, dari mula sampai habis penahanan.

"Saya tertanya-tanya, apa yang sedang berlaku?"Beliau menyifatkan perkara itu sebagai "keterlaluan."Menurut Sivarasa, perbuatan itu mempunyai "niat politik" dan "tidak ikhlas"."Memang kita akan bangkitkan, dalam kes-kes lain tidak ada, tetapi dalam kes Anwar ada. Ini jadi satu persoalan. Ini menunjukkan motif pihak penyiasat. Pihak polis dalam kes ini tidak ikhlas. Ada niat politik tidak ikhlas."Bagaimanapun, tambahnya, rakaman tidak dibuat semasa Anwar bersama doktor untuk pemeriksaan kesihatan di Hospital Kuala Lumpur.


Doa Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz

Thursday, July 24, 2008

An evening with an ‘accomplice’

Actually, I did not know why we were going to see Najib. Saiful just said that he wanted to go and see Najib and he wanted me to follow him. So I followed him.

NO HOLDS BARRED by Raja Petra Kamarudin

I am now facing one sedition charge and three criminal defamation charges. They say Muslims are allowed four and I have just reached my limit of four. Nevertheless, my great-grandfather, Sultan Ala’eddin Suleiman Shah, the Fifth Sultan of Selangor, had ten wives. He also had 44 children from these ten wives, my grandmother, Tengku Badariah, being one of those 44. Needless to say, with the track record set by my great-grandfather, would I be satisfied with stopping at just four? Certainly not! And, today, I am going to chalk up my fifth ‘criminal charge’, whatever that charge is going to be.Today, in the spirit of my fifth criminal charge, I am going to make another ‘seditious’ or ‘criminal defamation’ allegation against Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, in the spirit of what Anwar Ibrahim said to CNN last week (see the CNN report here: ). And this allegation is that Najib met Saiful to discuss the sodomy allegation against Anwar and for no other reason other than that -- and certainly not to discuss the young man’s future career or scholarship.This time I am going for broke.

This time I am prepared to go to jail for a long, long time just to make sure that Najib is not going to become Prime Minister of Malaysia in June 2010. Yes, I know I am headed for a fall, but I am going to bring Najib down with me. We shall both hit the dirt and become history, side-by-side. And how will that happen? Well, this time I video-recorded a ‘confession’ session. And the video recording is now in a safe place, ready to surface during my trial when they charge me for this newest ‘crime’, whatever that crime is going to be.The gist is as follows. When Saiful went to meet Najib, he brought a friend along. And this friend has confessed to the entire thing in a video recording, which I now have in my possession. So bring it on. Give me all you’ve got. Charge me and let us see what happens in court.Yes, Najib met Saiful to discuss how to fix Anwar on a sodomy allegation. No doubt, at first Najib denied all this. At first he said he never met Saiful, not even once in his life. Then he admitted meeting Saiful but said he met Saiful to offer the young man ‘career guidance’ and to discuss his future, scholarship, and all such matters. The first statement was a lie. The second was also a lie. Najib met Saiful to discuss the sodomy allegation against Anwar.If Najib can lie so many times with regards to his meeting with Saiful, would he not also be capable of lying about never meeting or knowing Altantuya? What would Najib say if during my trial I adduce a military intelligence report dated when Altantuya was still alive which confirms that he was involved romantically (or ‘involved sexually’ would probably be the more appropriate word to use) with Altantuya?Sure, charge me. Put me on trial. Even obtain a conviction and send me to jail if you wish.

Hey, I am 58. By the time I go to jail I would probably be 60, if I happen to still be around and not already dead by then. So, you can send me to jail, but for how long? What difference does it make when I am no longer alive anyway? And I really don’t expect to live to a ripe old age of 83 like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Najib, however, will never become Prime Minister in June 2010. And that is worth going to jail for, however long the sentence may be.


“What questions are you going to ask me?”“No questions. We will not treat this as an interview. You just relax and relate what happened, like a story-telling session, and then I will video-record everything you say.”“What exactly do you need me to say?”“I suppose you can just relate how you first met Saiful, how he came to be employed by Parti Keadilan Rakyat, what he did in the office, and anything else you know about his allegation that Anwar sodomised him. The best thing is for you to relax and speak naturally, like you are telling a story, no questions and answers session which will make you stiff and not look natural.”“Okay, if I make any mistake you will edit the tape?”“No, we will not edit anything. That will tantamount to tampering with the evidence. Never mind if you make a mistake. Just repeat what you said or start over again. This video recording is not for broadcasting. This is for internal use only. We shall keep the recording in a safe place in case the police arrest you and force you to make a statement against your will.

Then, if the police charge you for anything, we will be reveal this tape to prove that what you told the police under duress is different from what you said tonight. That is why you must speak naturally and not look stiff or like you are being forced to say whatever you are going to saying. This video recording is for your protection to ensure that they will not arrest you and force you to make any statement that is not true.”“Okay.”“Let me know when you are ready. Drink some water to clear your throat and finish your cigarette first. Then we will start. Be comfortable and don’t worry. No need to even look at the camera if that makes you uncomfortable. Speak to me. Look at me and talk. It is easier when you speak to a person than to the camera.”Sessions starts and he relates his story. After 15 minutes he gestures for the camera to be switched off and I oblige.“I am not sure whether I want this next part recorded on camera.”“Never mind. We can record it anyway and then if you feel it is damaging it need never surface.”“I would rather get my lawyer’s advice first before this second part is recorded because it implicates Najib in the sodomy allegation against Anwar.”“Okay, we can leave the camera off and you can relate the second part off-camera.

Then we decide later if it should be recorded or not.”“This second part is about our meeting with Najib.”“Oh, you also went to see Najib?”“Actually, I did not know why we were going to see Najib. Saiful just said that he wanted to go and see Najib and he wanted me to follow him. So I followed him. I was present when Saiful discussed with Najib about the sodomy allegation against Anwar. I did not know he was going to see Najib about that.”“You did not know he was going to see Najib about the sodomy allegation?” “No, he did not tell me.”“Was it staged?”“Staged?”“Yes, did Najib already know what Saiful was seeing him about or did Najib not know beforehand?”“I don’t know.”“Did Najib appear shocked or surprised or did he look like he already knew what they were going to talk about?”“Najib looked very natural.”“So Najib did not look shocked or surprised?”“No.”“So, from Najib’s reaction, he appeared like he already knew what they were going to discuss. Only you did not know. What about the other people in the room?”“They also did not look surprised.”“So it appeared like everyone in the room, except you, already knew what Saiful was going to talk to Najib about.”“Maybe.”“But why go to Najib to talk about this? Why not go to the police or the religious department?”“I don’t know.”“Did Najib offer any advice?”“No.”“Did Najib ask Saiful to make a police report?”“No, he just listened.”“Did Najib ask Saiful: ‘why come to me to complain? What has Anwar sodomising you got to do with the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia’?”“No.”“Do you think that maybe all this was a show just for your benefit? The fact that everyone appeared to already know what the discussion was all about, except you, appears like they wanted you, an ‘outsider’, to hear the discussion.”“I am not sure.”“Before the visit to Najib’s office, has Saiful ever told you or anyone else in the office that Anwar sodomised him?”“No.”“So the first time you heard of this was when Saiful brought you to meet Najib.”“Yes.”“Did Saiful discuss anything else with Najib like a scholarship or something like that?”“No.”“They just discussed the sodomy matter?”“Yes.” “Why not I video-record this part?”“Let me discuss it with the lawyer first. If the lawyer says it is okay then we can record it tomorrow.”“Okay, I will not force you. I don’t want you to tell anyone later that you were reluctant to let me video-record this part but I forced you to do so against your will. You speak to your lawyer first and then we can meet again tomorrow and record this part of your statement.”

source:malaysia today

Anwar sedia bertanding di Kulim

Muda Mohd Noor Jul 23, 08 4:44pm

Ketua umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak menolak kemungkinan bertanding di kerusi parlimen Kulim-Bandar Baharu jika mahkamah memutuskan kemenangan calon PKR tidak sah.Zulkifli Noordin, yang berkelebihan majoriti 5,583 undi, kini berdepan dengan petisyen pilihanraya daripada calon BN, Datuk Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir.
Mahkamah Pilihanraya akan mendengar petisyen itu bulan depan selepas menangguhkan prosiding itu yang asalnya dijadualkan minggu ini.

Menurut mantan timbalan perdana menteri itu, beliau telah membincangkan perkara itu dengan Zulkifli.Anwar juga sering disebut-sebut bertanding di kerusi asalnya Permatang Pauh yang dimenangi isterinya dan juga presiden PKR Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Bandar Tun Razak (Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim) dan Lembah Pantai (anaknya Nurul Izzah).Abdul Khalid, kini menteri besar Selangor, juga memenangi kerusi negeri Ijok.
Anwar berkata, belilau juga telah memberitahu pucuk pimpinan PAS dan DAP mengenai perkara tersebut.Katanya, beliau memutuskan untuk bertanding kerusi Kulim-Bandar Baru tiga minggu lalu sebelum Mahkamah Pilihanraya membuat keputusan Ahad lalu.Bercakap dalam dalam sidang media di ibu pejabat parti di Petaling Jaya hari ini. Anwar berkata, bagaimanapun, mahkamah telah menangguhkan petisyen itu didengar pada 19 Ogos depan.Dalam sidang media itu juga, Anwar mengumumkan penyertaan bekas Timbalan Menteri Penerangan, Datuk Fauzi Abdul Rahman dalam PKR.Anwar juga diminta mengulas mengenai perbincangan antara Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dengan pucuk pimpinan PAS sejak pilihanraya umum lalu."Tiada sebab untuk mempersoalkan kepimpinan PAS, mereka mahu kekal dalam Pakatan Rakyat."Kerjasama dan komitmen mereka masih kuat dan Pakatan masih kuat," katanya.

Sementara itu, Anwar sekali lagi menegaskan, beliau tidak mahu DNA-nya diambil kerana sudah mempunyai pengalaman buruk mengenai perkara tersebut.Oleh kerana itu, katanya, beliau mempunyai sebab untuk merasa syak wasangka jika DNA-nya diambil.


PAS 'tidak minat tawaran' Umno

Jimadie Shah Othman Jul 23, 08 1:47pm
kemaskini 5:20pm

PAS "tidak berminat menerima tawaran" Umno sewaktu rundingan wakil parti itu dengan perdana menteri dan bekas menteri besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo, Mac lalu."Sesiapa juga yang datang kepada kami untuk menawarkan jawatan ataupun menawarkan kedudukan yang menggiurkan, kita tidak akan terima. Kita ada prinsip, harga diri. Pimpinan PAS bukan boleh ditawarkan jawatan sedemikian," kata ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS, Salahuddin Ayub.Mengulas lanjut perkara itu, beliau berkata: "Sama ada tawaran itu perdana menteri, menteri besar walau apa pun, kami tidak berminat untuk bincang tentangnya."Kita ada mandat, kita ada tanggungjawab dan prinsip perjuangan.

Kita boleh bincang tentang kepentingan negara," tambahnya dalam satu sidang akhbar mengenai pendirian rasmi Pemuda PAS dalam isu tersebut.Menurut beliau, pihaknya sedia bersama-sama kerajaan membincangkan isu-isu seperti tuntutan perairan sekitar Pulau Batu Puteh.Mengulas tindakan PAS terus mengadakan perbincangan tertutup dengan Umno selepas mengetahui wujudnya tawaran itu, beliau berkata:"Ya, selepas pilihanraya (umum) Khir Toyo mempelawa kita. Kita bersedia untuk dengar. PAS walaupun menang agak besar dalam pilihanraya yang lepas, tidaklah kita menang besar sangat, tetapi kita lebih baik daripada 2004, kita tidak sombong.'Kita boleh bincang'"Kita tidak angkuh, walaupun Umno mengajak kita, kita bersedia datang dan mendengar. Kita tidak boleh menunjukkan keangkuhan kita. Mentang-mentanglah kita menang banyak sikit, Umno nak ajak bincang pun, kita tak mahu. Bukan begitu sikap kita," kata Salahuddin.

Ditanya kenapa pertemuan itu dilakukan sedangkan agendanya mengenai perkongsian kuasa PAS-Umno, Salahudin berkata:"Mungkin tidak begitu. (Umno) telefon hendak bincang, macam saya, biasa... menteri-menteri, itu biasa, kita boleh bincang tentang apa-apa topik, di parlimen, di luar parlimen. Kita boleh jumpa di mana-mana coffee house, tetapi kita ada prinsip. Kalau itu (jawatan) yang ditawarkan, kita tidak berminat tentang itu."Sebelum itu, Salahuddin yang juga ahli parlimen Kubang Kerian berkata Pemuda PAS tidak pernah menutup sebarang pintu perbincangan dengan mana-mana pihak yang melibatkan masalah negara dan antarabangsa."Sebagaimana kami putuskan pada (mesyuarat khas) malam tadi, PAS sebagai sebuah parti dalam negara kita ini, tidak pernah menutup mana-mana inti perbincangan dengan mana-mana pihak kerana itulah dasar dan pendekatan kita."Kita bersedia untuk berbincang dengan siapa-siapa sahaja pada bila-bila masa untuk kepentingan negara, kepentingan rakyat dan apa jua isu yang melibatkan negara kita sama ada isu itu melibatkan persoalan dalam negeri dan juga persoalan antarabangsa," katanya.Namun, tambahnya, perbincangan itu bukan melibatkan "pakatan politik" seperti rundingan awal Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan Dr Mohamad Khir dengan timbalan presiden PAS Nasharuddin Mat Isa beberapa hari selepas keputusan pilihanraya umum 8 Mac diketahui.Tolak pakatan politik"Kita menolak dan menentang sekeras-kerasnya muzakarah yang bersifat atau cuba memfokuskan kepada pakatan politik ataupun kerjasama politik antara PAS dan Umno buat masa ini," katanya.

Dalam blognya, Dr Mohamad Khir mendedahkan butiran pertemuan tersebut, antaranya beliau mencadangkan agar PAS diberi jawatan menteri besar Selangor dan timbalan menteri besar serta empat exco.Salahuddin berkata, Pemuda PAS bagaimanapun menolak kerjasama politi antara dua parti Melayu itu dan tetap kekal dalam gabungan Pakatan Rakyat."PAS mesti terus dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Pakatan adalah keutamaan, Pakatan sebagai wadah alternatif kepada BN. Fitnah, hasutan untuk memecahkan Pakatan Rakyat akan ditentang keras Pemuda PAS," katanya.Mengulas penolakan mursyidul am PAS Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat terhadap usaha muzakarah, Salahuddin berkata "itu pendirian beliau" dan penolakan menteri besar itu dalam konteks perkongsian kuasa."Itu pendirian dia. Dan saya yakin dia bercakap dalam konteks muzakarah itu ke arah perkongsian kuasa. Itu saya yakin dia maksud begitu, sebab rakyat di bawah sana agak terkeliru tetapi rakyat faham muzakarah itu adalah perkongsian kuasa buat masa ini."Itu mungkin Tok Guru Nik Aziz mengambil sikap dia tidak setuju buat masa ini adanya muzakarah antara PAS dan Umno.Faham peranan masing-masingDitanya sama ada pendirian Pemuda itu dipersetujui oleh pimpinan di peringkat pusat, beliau berkata "pendiriannya jelas" dan "tidak kisah kalau pemimpin tidak setuju".Ditanya sama perbincangan isu perpaduan Melayu dan Islam akan menjejaskan hubungan dengan DAP, beliau berkata:"DAP juga berhak berjumpa dengan sesiapa sahaja. Hatta kita melihat sampai tahap bekas pimpinan Gerakan mengetuai beberapa syarikat kerajaan negeri. Di selangor juga, saya difahamkan bekas ahli parlimen Segambut daripada Gerakan juga bersama DAP."

Saya rasa itu tidak mengikat kita dan masing-masing faham peranan masing-masing," katanya selepas sidang media tersebut yang diadakan di ibu pejabat PAS, Kuala Lumpur."Mereka juga ada dasar dan pendekatan mereka. Kita ada dasar dan pendekatan kita. Untuk membincangkan masa depan orang Melayu, agama Islam (dalam keadaan) yang Umno sekarang masih lagi menjadi teras kekuasaan, apa masalahnya untuk PAS mengadakan perbincangannya telus, bukan pakatan sulit," tambahnya.Bagaimanapun, ketika menjawab soalan pemberita, beliau berkata, muzakarah PAS dan Umno sukar menjadi kenyataan kerana "stigma di kalangan ahli-ahli PAS di peringkat bawah" yang mengaitkan muzakarah itu dengan perkongsian kuasa.


Muzakarah: Ahli PAS ugut demo

Fathi Aris Omar Jul 23, 08 12:10pm
kemaskini 8:44pm

Tidak cukup dengan perbahasan di internet dan sesama sendiri pro dan kontra muzakarah PAS-Umno, sekumpulan ahli PAS mengugut mengadakan demonstrasi membantah kerjasama dua parti itu, lusa. Dalam sebaran khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) kepada ahli dan penyokong PAS mulai semalam, perhimpunan itu dirancang diadakan di depan ibu pejabat PAS di Jalan Raja Laut selepas solat Jumaat. Demonstrasi itu dinyatakan sebagai menunjukkan "sokongan kepada mursyidul am PAS Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat dan menentang kerjasama Umno-PAS." Bagaimanapun usaha Malaysiakini sejak semalam belum berjaya menghubungi pihak yang bertanggungjawab menganjurkannya.Beberapa sumber menyatakan, perhimpunan itu mahu dilihat sebagai "usaha spontan ahli-ahli akar umbi" menyatakan sikap terhadap usaha dialog yang diketuai oleh timbalan presiden Nasharuddin Mat Isa dengan dukungan presidennya Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.Selepas sidang media menyatakan pendirian rasmi Dewan Pemuda PAS berhubung isu muzakarah dan perkongsian kuasa Umno-PAS, ketuanya Salahuddin Ayub menyifatkan sebaran SMS itu "khabar angin" dan maklumat itu "tidak betul." Sumber-sumber itu bagaimanapun menyatakan keputusan sama ada meneruskan perhimpunan itu, atau sebaliknya, bergantung keputusan Majlis Syura Ulama PAS petang ini. Menurut blog rasmi mingguan Siasah, pertemuan selama sejam di kediaman rasmi menteri besar Kelantan melibatkan tujuh daripada 13 anggota anggota majlis itu, termasuk Abdul Hadi dan Nasharuddin (foto kiri). Selain itu, timbalan mursyidul am Datuk Harun Din, ketua Dewan Ulama PAS Datuk Muhammad Daud dan Datuk Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman turut hadir di mesyuarat bermula jam 4 petang.

Pertemuan ringkas itu bertujuan membincangkan kekeliruan berhubung pertemuan sulit antara pemimpin tertinggi PAS dengan Umno yang diwakili presidennya sendiri dan perdana menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan bekas menteri besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo.Dalam sidang media selepas mesyuarat di Kota Bharu, menurut akhbar itu lagi, barisan pemimpin atasan PAS menegaskan "tidak pernah berbangkit parti itu hendak bergabung atau berkongsi kuasa dengan Umno", malah bersedia kekal dalam Pakatan Rakyat.Nik Abdul Aziz, Abdul Hadi dan Dr Harun (foto bawah) dilaporkan sepakat menyatakan PAS tetap komited dengan kerjasamanya bersama PKR dan DAP."Apa yang dilakukan oleh beberapa pemimpin PAS adalah bersemuka (muqabalah) dengan para pemimpin Umno untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang berlaku di kalangan rakyat di negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat," laporan blog itu dipetik.Beberapa pemimpin kanan PAS menghadapi kesukaran menjelaskan kepada ahli dan penyokong parti apabila Abdullah mendedahkan beliau sendiri terlibat dalam tiga pertemuan dengan PAS. Laporan-laporan media kemudiannya menyebut usaha PAS mendekati Umno termasuklah rundingan tentang kerajaan campuran di Selangor dan pengagihan jawatan penting negeri, beberapa hari selepas pilihanraya umum 8 Mac. Dihubungi Malaysiakini selepas keputusan majlis syura, sumber-sumber yang dekat dengan usaha menganjurkan perhimpunan itu, menyatakan kemungkinan meneruskannya Jumaat ini.Sumber-sumber itu malah mendakwa "Nik Abdul Aziz telah diberikan maklumat yang salah" tentang pertemuan PAS dan Umno.

Sementara sumber-sumber yang dekat dengan media PAS pula membuat andaian keputusan majlis syura hari ini boleh meredakan kekecewaan penyokong dan ahli parti.Nik Abdul Aziz, yang juga menteri besar Kelantan, baru-baru ini dilaporkan menggesa muzakarah dengan Umno dihentikan kerana ia akan memecah-belahkan PAS.Beliau dilaporkan berkata PAS dibimbangi akan menjadi seperti kera sumbang, manakala di kiri kanan pula kena marah sekiranya meneruskan muzakarah dengan pemimpin Umno. Kelmarian, Nik Abdul Aziz berkata, "apabila berlaku muzakarah penyokong kita marah kepada PAS dan orang Pakatan Rakyat juga curiga."Oleh itu bagi mengelakkan kekecewaan penyokong, muzakarah antara PAS dan Umno dianggap tidak perlu bagi mengelak berulang sejarah hitam yang pernah berlaku sebelum ini. "PAS akan lebih berhati-hati agar tidak terkena perangkap Umno kali kedua. "Itu bukan cara parti yang memperjuangkan Islam berpolitik di mana cara berkenaan tidak ubah seperti menolong pihak lawan dan bukannya untuk menjaga kestabilan parti."Itu perangkap namanya," katanya, lapor

Ezam: The Story of Lu Bu in Romance of the Three Kingdom

Towards the end of the Han dynasty, the government was corrupt and at the same time, famines and flood struck the land repeatedly. As a result, the people suffered greatly. Zhang Jiao of Julu was an unclassed scholar. He established an organization known as “The Way of Peace” to administer charmed remedies to the sick so as to gain followers and disciples. After a decade “The Way of Peace” had gathered in several provinces of Northern China a few hundred thousand disciples. Zhang Jiao and his brothers, Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao then prepared to revolt against the government. They close a date to attack the government armies simultaneously throughout the country. As they used yellow turban to bind their heads, they were known as “The Yellow Turbans Army”.
Emperor Ling was enjoying life in the palace leaving his “Ten Eunuchs” to administer state affairs. The “Ten Eunuchs” were corrupt and wicked, everyone in the country hated them.
One day, Dong Zhuo one of the governor in northern china had a private discussion with Li Ru his special officer, he intended to dethrone the young emperor and let Prince of Chenliu take his place. That would give him full control of the country and consolidate his power and prestige. Li then suggested a plan to carry out this plot.
At a grand feat was held at Wenming Gardenthe next day. All officials and ministers were invited. They would not dare to decline the invitations as they were afraid of the host’s power and influence. Dong Zhuo announced, “An emperor is the head of a nation and its people, and he must have excellent talents. The present emperor is weak and incapable, he stands nowhere when compared to Price of Chenliu who is wise and learned. I intend to dethrone the emperor and let t he Price of Chenliu take his place. What say you gentlemen?” He then glanced at the guests all around. Silence reigned. All the officials and ministers looked at each other blankly in dismay. Suddenly a man pushed down his table, stood up furiously and reproached Dong Zhuo, “No! No! What do you think you are? How dare you to make such an impertinent announcement!” The speaker was Ding Yuan, the governor of Jinzhou. Fuming Dong Zhuo said “Those who submit to me shall live, those who resist shall perish”. He then unsheathed his swords to kill Ding. At this juncture Li Ru saw a young, big sized, tall and awe-inspiring man standing behind Ding. With his eyes wide open and ferocious look, he was holding a halberd. Li quickly rushed over to stop Dong Zhuo. The officials also persuaded Ding to leave. Dong Zhuo was enraged. He unsheathed his sword again to kill Lu Zhi who disagrees earlier but was stopped by the officials. Situ Wangyun then said, Ït’s inappropriate to discuss the Empror’s position at the feast. We shall hold a discussion some other day.”Thereupon all guests left.
After the official departure, Dong Zhuo stood at the entrance of Wenming Garden with his fhand on his sword. Suddenly he saw a brave warrior with a halberd galloping to and fro outside the garden. As Dong Zhuo did not know who he was, he asked Li Ru. Replied Li, “He’s Lu Bu, godson of Ding Yuan. He’s an usually strong man. I suggest you keep away from him for the time being.”Dong Zhuo went into the garden stealthily.
The following day Ding Yuan led a troop of soldiers and threw a challenge to Dong Zhuo. Fuming, Dong Zhuo, together with Li Ru, went up immediately with an army to fight the enemy. Both sides had their formation ready. Lu Bu was wearing a golden “crown” (for tying his hair) and battle dress. He was holding a halberd on a steed. Together with Ding Yuan, he came to the front of the enemiy formation. Pointing at Dong Zhuo, Ding Yuan hurled abuses at him. Before Dong Zhuo could answer, Lu Bu sped over and started attacking. Dong Zhuo back tried to flee, throwing his men disarry. Ding Yuan led his troop to pursue the fleeing enemy for a while. Dong Zhuo suffered a crushing defeat with much causality.
Back in his headquarters, Dong Zhuo, assembled his army, officers for a discussion to find a way to deal with the situation. He heaped praises on Lu BU, alleging that he was a talented man. Gen. Li Su from Huben boldly volunteered to go and see Lu Bu and try to persuade him to surrender. Dong Zhuo was overjoyed at this move. Dong Zhuo was quick to ask, “How are you going to make Lu Bu submit to us?”Li Su elaborated, “I understand you’ve a fine horse called “Red Rabbit” which can travel 1,000 li a day. Give him this horse, some jewelry and other valuables and he will certainly rebel against Ding Yuan and surrender to you.
However, Dong Zhuo was skeptical about Li Su’s suggestion. He would not part his ‘Red rabbit’for any price. After lengthy deliberation, he sought Li Ru’s opinion. Li Ru advised him to accept the plan. Gladly Dong Zhuo handed Li Su the horse, 1,000 teels of gold, 10 peals and jade belt. With these bribery articles, Li Su went to Lu Bu’s encampment. On the way, he met Lu Bu’s sentinels and asked them to inform him of his arrival. Li SU was invited into Lu Bu’s tent. When they met, they felt very dearto each other. Asked the host “Where did you come from?”The visitor replied currently I’m holding the rank of General Huben. I understand you’re quite successful in life. I’ve specially brought a steed for you, which I hope will enhance your prestige. Lu Bu noticed that the horse as red as live charcoal, without any coarse hair. It was a zhang (3.33 m) long and 8 chi (2.67 m) tall. When it neighed, as if it was going to fly. He liked so much that he thanked the giver repeatedly. Lu Bu treated Li Su with a sumptuous meal. They had a good chat while having their meal. After consuming a large amount of wine, Li Su tried to provoke his host. Lu BU thought he was drunk and was talking nonsense. Bursting into laughter, Li Su snapped, “I’m referring “to Ding Yuan, Lu Bu turned red and replied bashfully, “I took Ding Yuan as my Godfather because I’ve no alternative.” Li Su elaborated “You’re a very capable man. All the people in our country admire your ability. You can secure a high official rank and great wealth as easily as a wink. How do you account for “I’ve no alternative”? Lu Bu sighed with emotion. Li Su move closer to Lu Bu and told him provocatively, ‘Since you’re capable man, you must look for a boss who can appreciate your caliber. Make up your mind at an early date”. Said Lu Bu “Since you’ve been in the court all along, I’m sure you know who’s the man I should serve under”. Li Su was pleased with that remark. He then lavished on Dong Zhuo. Lu Bu regretted that there was no way whereby he could approach Dong Zhuo under whom he wiched to serve. He banged the table and sighed. Nothing that Lu BU had make known his intention, Li Su asked him to dismiss his servants. Then he took out the jewellery and valuables and the jade belt, and told him the truth. Overjoyed, Lu Bu said. “How can I repay Dong Zhuo for his favour and kindness?” To which Li Su quickly added a few words. Lu Bu lowered his head and pondered for a while. Then he declare, “I intend to have Ding Yuan killed, after which I’ll lead his army to serve under the command of Dong Zhuo. Li Su commented joyously “What you’re going to do will be a meritorious contribution”.
Lu Bu made an appointment there and then. Lu Bu was to lead his troops to surrender to Dong Zhuo early the next morning. He then left. AT the 2nd watch (4a.m) Lu Bu came into Ding Yuan’s tent with a long knife. The latter was reading a book. When he saw his godson, he asked for the purpose of his visit. With his eyes wide open, the intruder shouted. Ding Yuan saw that he had changed his mind suddenly. I a fluster, he asked “Fengxian, why do you change your mind for no reason at all?”Before he could finish Lu Bu rushed forward and chopped of his head. The next day Lu Bu brought Ding Yuan’s head to see Li Su, who showed him to Dong Zhuo. With a jubilant expression, Dong Zhuo knelt before Lu Bu respectfully. Lu Bu was overjoyed at the remark. Quickly he helped him up, got him seated and said “If you don’t mind Sir, I’m willing to be your son.”So saying, he went on his knees and kowtowed repeatedly. Dong Zhuo burst out laughing. Then Dong Zhuo conferred 2 high military arny ranks to his new son who also received a suit of armour and a battle dress. A feast was held to celebrate the occasion.
To be continue…